american sign language& deaf studies

american sign language& deaf studies

Exterior shot of the Indiana State School for the Deaf building, a large brick and stone structure with prominent columns. Two individuals are walking down the steps away from the entrance. An American flag and the Indiana state flag fly from a pole to the right of the building. Green trees surround the building with grassy areas in front.


The American Sign Language & Deaf Studies Program is located on the campus of the Indiana School for the Deaf in Indianapolis. Faculty are Deaf, native signers who have taken intensive training in teaching ASL & Deaf Studies.

The curriculum provides for full immersion into ASL Deaf Studies through learning-centered instruction both inside and outside the classroom. The unique location allows for involvement and collaboration with deaf students and the vibrant Deaf Community of Indianapolis.

Find out if a career in American Sign Language and Deaf Studies is right for you!

A mosaic-covered archway composed of two pillars and a connecting beam, each covered in colorful rectangular mosaic tiles depicting diverse images and patterns. A brick pillar decorated with a dark plaque sits nearby, connected to black metal fencing. A black metal bench is situated in the background, beyond the archway. A green lawn and trees are visible, providing a natural backdrop.

Virtual Open House Video

The Vincennes University ASL & Deaf Studies program is located on the campus of the Indiana School for the Deaf. Check out the Virtual Open House Video.
In a classroom, a younger person in a blue quarter-zip sweater signs to an older person in a grey-striped shirt. They sit in rolling chairs, facing each other with papers on a desk between them. In the blurred background, other students are seated at desks, also participating in the class.


Many people may not know that there is an American Sign Language and Deaf Studies program provided by Vincennes University.

Program Resources

meet our faculty

Employee Department Job Title Email Address
Beatrice PfaffAmerican Sign Languagebeatrice.pfaff [at]
Bonnie ConnerAmerican Sign LanguageAssistant Professor/ Department Chairbconner [at]
Diane JonesAmerican Sign LanguageFT Tch Overloaddiane.jones [at]
Jennifer KutckaAmerican Sign Languagejennifer.kutcka [at]
Kimie CasaleAmerican Sign LanguageTutor - Hourlykimie.casale [at]
Tamara DominguezAmerican Sign LanguageSecretary Itdominguez [at]

A group of seven diverse people are gathered at a picnic table in a park. Most are smiling and posing for the photo. One person is lying on the table next to a potted plant with yellow and purple flowers. Everyone is casually dressed. Trees and grass are visible in the background.
Exterior view of the Indiana School for the Deaf, a Beaux-Arts-style building. The building features a prominent portico with classical columns and a triangular pediment. An American flag waves from a pole to the left of the main entrance. Green grass and trees surround the building, and a paved road leads up to it. The sky is a clear blue with wispy clouds. Tree branches frame the top of the image.
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Contact Information

Tami Dominguez
Administrative Assistant

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