All Accuplacer tests are untimed, are administered on a computer, and the mathematics test includes a “virtual” calculator in the program. If you have a documented disability and require additional accommodations for your Accuplacer (placement) tests, including tests taken at approved off-campus testing sites, please follow these steps in setting an appointment:
- Request accommodations with the Office of Diverse Abilities and Accommodations
Students may contact the office of DIVERSE ABILITIES AND ACCOMMODATIONS directly or through email to complete the registration process for Accuplacer accommodations. Students will be asked to fill out a Student Questionnaire & Request for Accuplacer Accommodations to assist staff in determining appropriate accommodations for their individual situations.
- Accommodation letter
When the need for specific accommodations for a disability has been established, the Director of Diverse Abilities and Accommodations provides the student with a letter listing the approved accommodations. A copy of the letter, listing approved accommodations, will also be sent to the VINCENNES UNIVERSITY TESTING CENTER.
- Testing with accommodations during Trailblazer Kickoff
In order to ensure your accommodation needs are met you must schedule an appointment for Accuplacer testing with accommodations, EVEN IF YOU WANT TO TAKE YOUR TESTS DURING TRAILBLAZER KICKOFF. Accuplacer testing with accommodations must be completed at the Vincennes University Assessment Center, in the Learning Resource Center (library). Staff administering the tests to the large group are not able to provide accommodations, because their computers are not equipped with the appropriate software for most accommodations. Prior to your Trailblazer Kickoff date, contact the Vincennes University Testing Center at (812) 888-5404.
- Testing with accommodations at off-campus testing site
If you will be taking your Accuplacer tests at an approved off-campus testing site, you must still contact the Vincennes University Assessment Center staff at (812) 888-5404 so they can assist in arranging for your accommodations. Vincennes University cannot guarantee that testing sites not affiliated with the Vincennes University system will be able to provide your accommodations.