Gregory T. (Greg) Parsley
Appointed: Ex-officio Member 7-12
Parsley has served as the superintendent for the Vincennes Community School Corporation
dating back to the start of the 2012-2013 school year. Before this role, he spent
two years as the assistant superintendent. He also served as the high school principal
at Vincennes Lincoln High School. His education career includes serving as the Jr/Sr
High School principal at Bloomfield, and he was the athletic director at Rensselaer
Central. His classroom experience includes stints at McCutcheon High School in Lafayette
and Roncalli High School in Indianapolis. He is starting his 23rd year in education.
COMPANY: Vincennes Community School Corporation
TITLE: Superintendent
B.S. in Social Science Education; Minor in Sociology
M.S. in Educational Administration
EdS in Educational Leadership
Past president of the Vincennes Rotary, past president of the Vincennes Rotary Foundation,
current president for the Hoosier Heartland School Insurance Trust, Moderator for
the First Christian Church, Chair of the Elders for First Christian Church, Chair
of Stewardship for First Christian Church, Treasurer for the Twin Rivers Building
Trades Program, Sponsor for the Vincennes Lincoln High School Interact (Rotary for
High School students).
Indiana Association of Public School Superintendents, Indiana Association of School
Business Officials, Vincennes Rotary, First Christian Church Disciples of Christ Vincennes,
Knox County Association of Remarkable Citizens, Vincennes University Board of Trustees,
Knox County Special Education Cooperative,
Service Above Self Vincennes Rotary, the Steve LaRoche Integrity Award for Rotary
Married to wife Stephanie who is a 3rd grade teacher and three step-kids which includes
Daelyn who is a Senior at Indiana University; Ainsley who will be a freshman at Vincennes
University and Bayden who is a freshman in high school.