Vincennes University President Dr. Chuck Johnson's response to Coronavirus (COVID-19)

March 04, 2020
Dear VU Colleagues, Students, and Stakeholders:
I am writing to let you know that Vincennes University has been developing contingency plans for the potential arrival of the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) to VU locations. The Emergency Management Planning Committee, under the leadership of Interim Assistant Provost Lynn White, has met and has reviewed advisories from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and other agencies to determine strategies for managing a possible outbreak at VU. A special COVID-19 subcommittee has been established to refine strategies and plans for communicating about virus prevention and to draft plans for responding to a potential outbreak at VU. The Executive Team received a briefing on Monday and over the next few weeks we will be sharing plans and other relevant information for minimizing the potential impact of the COVID-19 at Vincennes University.
While there have been very few reported cases of the Novel Coronavirus in the U.S. and none yet in Indiana, the CDC projects it will eventually spread more widely and it is vitally important for all members of the university community to practice good health habits:
- Wash your hands frequently with soap and water (for at least 20 seconds, the time it takes to sing “Happy Birthday” twice).
- Use hand sanitizers with at least 60% alcohol on a regular basis.
- Direct coughs and sneezes into the bend of your arm or into tissues that are disposed of immediately.
- Stay home when you are sick.
- Clean your environment regularly, especially those surfaces with frequent hand contact, such as doorknobs, telephones, keyboards, desktops, faucet handles, and other restroom surfaces.
VU’s custodial services team is taking extra steps as a precaution against the spread
of COVID-19 and other communicable diseases. Disinfecting wipes have been distributed
to all main offices and dorm front desks. Custodians are disinfecting all buildings
several times daily with hospital grade disinfectant and restrooms are to be disinfected
several times a day. More hand sanitizers are being installed throughout university
facilities. Over spring break all restrooms and common areas will be given extra
cleaning to thoroughly disinfect them prior to the return of students and faculty
from break.
VU’s College of Health Sciences and Human Performance will be hosting a COVID-19 Full Scale Vaccination Simulation Training workshop, from 9 AM to 12 PM on March 23 in Green Auditorium.
VU will use several methods for keeping all stakeholders informed of the status of the Novel Coronavirus at our locations. You may sign up for RAVE alerts via MyVU. In addition, VU will be adding a page on our website, with updated information about the virus and healthy practices. Please look for that page to be up and running right after spring break. Flyers are also being posted in conspicuous locations in VU facilities. As the situation changes, please also listen for radio and television updates and check social media.
Within the next few weeks, VU will be providing you with information about how to recognize COVID-19 symptoms, who to inform, what to do if you believe you may be getting ill, and what to do regarding class attendance if you are ill.
Thank you for your patience as this situation unfolds and for your diligence in following the practices of good health as outlined above. For those who are traveling over the break, please be safe—we look for your return to VU in state of good health!
Best regards,
Chuck Johnson
Vincennes University