it's on us

it's on us

Don't be a bystander to the problem.

Be a part of the solution.

Look Up!

  • Know what's going on around you
  • If you think it's a problem, don't ignore it
  • If it doesn't feel right, it's probably wrong
  • Trust your instincts: IT'S ON US!

Step Up!

  • Predict the problem
  • If you see something, say something
  • Create a distraction
  • Don't step away: IT'S ON US!

Speak Up!

  • Save your friends from themselves
  • Ask an RA
  • Call VUPD
  • Call 911
  • No silence, no violence: IT'S ON US!

Stand Up!

  • Don't blame the victim
  • Talk honestly about sexual assault
  • Help keep others safe
  • Connect victims to resources
  • Know the Lifeline Law: IT'S ON US


Watch: Vincennes University It’s On Us Campus PSA

Read: University Sexual Misconduct Policies

Read: Sexual Assault Victim Services

Voices United

University Police Officers are in constant radio contact with Central Dispatch (E-911) and the Vincennes City Police.

Ready to Begin?