frequently asked questions

frequently asked questions

1. What credentials are needed to teach a Project EXCEL course?

  • Credentials for liberal arts courses include a master’s degree in the discipline, or an out-of-field master’s degree with 18 graduate hours in the discipline.
  • Credentials for career and technical courses will vary by discipline. Some areas require a bachelors degree in the discipline, plus a minimum number of years of industry experience, while others may require an associate’s degree in the discipline, and a minimum number of years of industry experience. Consideration for CTE courses may also be based upon a combination of education, licensures, certifications, and/or professional work experience.

2. What courses are offered through Project EXCEL?

VU offers a large variety of liberal arts and career and technical courses for dual credit. Many are listed on Indiana’s Core Transfer Library list: Please see the COURSE LISTING AND PLACEMENT CHART, located on our website, for a full list of available courses.

3. What are the eligibility requirements for students to participate in Project EXCEL?

Project EXCEL courses are available to eligible high school students who, when applicable, meet the minimum placement scores or prerequisite course requirements, required to participate. Please see the COURSE LISTING AND PLACEMENT CHART, located on our website, for more information.

4. Do schools have to use the same textbook used on campus?

Each department/faculty liaison will determine whether the same book used on campus must be used for the dual credit course, or whether another, college‐level textbook, may be utilized. Approval will vary by department and course.

5. Who pays for Project EXCEL textbooks?

School corporations are responsible for purchasing the required textbooks and materials and may choose to pass part, or all, of the associated cost onto the student. School corporations may inquire about reimbursement through the Indiana Department of Education website.

6. Can AP curriculum be incorporated into a Project EXCEL dual credit course?

Yes, provided that the VU curriculum and standards are followed and all Project EXCEL policies and procedures are adhered to, the approved Project EXCEL faculty member may choose to incorporate Advanced Placement (AP) curriculum as an addendum to the VU course outline and syllabus.

Approved faculty members may offer a course that provides students the option to take the AP exam and/or earn dual credit through Project EXCEL, with the understanding that the AP curriculum is to be incorporated as additional course content to the VU curriculum. Students wishing to earn dual credit must register for the Project EXCEL course at the beginning of the corresponding semester. Students may not enroll for dual credit past the registration deadline, or opt for dual credit if they do not pass the AP exam.

7. What can a faculty member expect from VU once approved as a Project EXCEL dual credit faculty member?

  • The Project EXCEL instructor will be assigned a faculty liaison, who will serve as a resource for all curriculum related information.
  • An initial curriculum orientation is required for each newly approved dual credit course. Curriculum orientations are conducted on the VU campus by the faculty liaison.
  • All new instructors must complete an administrative orientation session, with a Project EXCEL staff member, prior to teaching. This session is, typically, conducted on campus, when the instructor is meeting with their faculty liaison for the curriculum orientation session. 
  • The faculty liaison will provide copies of the course syllabus, along with information concerning course goals, objectives, and assessment/grading criteria. The faculty liaison will visit your classroom during your first year of teaching, and periodically, after that. They are here to lend support and encouragement throughout your teaching experience with Project EXCEL.
  • Ongoing communication and administrative support will be provided by the Project EXCEL staff.
  • Required annual professional development sessions are held in November, each year.
  • In accordance with the Project EXCEL POLICIES AND PROCEDURES, instructors are eligible to receive an administrative stipend based, based upon unduplicated student enrollment, each term in which courses are taught.

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