instructors & counselors
instructors & counselors
Thank you for being a valuable member of the Project EXCEL team! As a Project EXCEL dual credit instructor, it's important for you to review and have a thorough knowledge and understanding of the documents, linked below:
- Policies and Procedures (VIEW ONLINE & PRINT)
- Orientation Packet for New Instructors (VIEW ONLINE & PRINT)
- Instructor Handbook (VIEW ONLINE & PRINT)
- Guidance Counselor Handbook (VIEW ONLINE & PRINT)
If you have any questions, please email us at PROJECTEXCEL@VINU.EDU
VU utilizes an electronic billing (eBill) system for all students, allowing students, or their parents, to submit an online payment using a credit card or e-check. Electronic billing statements, for Project EXCEL dual credit courses, will be sent directly to the student’s VU-x (formerly known as MyVU) account.
Please refer to the document below for more information and instructions. Fees may also be paid via phone, through VU's Bursar, at 812-888-4244. Press option 7 and have the student's VU Student ID Number (A#) or Social Security Number available for verification purposes.
- Project EXCEL Electronic Billing Information & Instructions (VIEW ONLINE & DOWNLOAD)
- How to Make an Online Payment (DOWNLOAD MP4)
Students seeking accommodations and support from VU’S OFFICE OF DIVERSE ABILITIES AND ACCOMMODATIONS must submit their request and DOCUMENTATION prior to, or at the beginning of, the semester in which they are enrolled for dual credit courses. In the college setting, the accommodations authorized may not match those granted for high school courses, since the laws that apply to colleges and universities are not the same laws that apply to the K through 12 school system. Students taking dual credit courses, for college credit, are held to the college requirements.
Additional information may be found on the Office of Diverse Abilities and Accommodations website, under EARLY COLLEGE/PROJECT EXCEL DUAL CREDIT, or by contacting the Diverse Abilities and Accommodations office at DISABILITYSERVICES@VINU.EDU or 812-888-4501.
Project EXCEL Instructors will be notified via email when to check class rosters each semester using the Accessing Class Roster instructions below.
Instructors will also be emailed the dates the grading window will be available each semester. Instructors must have their MyVU user name and password. Please refer to the Web Grading Instructions below for detailed information on entering final grades.
- Accessing Class Rosters: Instructional Video (DOWNLOAD MP4)
- Accessing Class Rosters: Instructions (VIEW ONLINE & DOWNLOAD)
- How to Enter Final Grades: Instructional Video (DOWNLOAD MP4)
- Web Grading Instructions (VIEW ONLINE & DOWNLOAD)
Crosswalks provide high schools and career centers with the designated IDOE coursework (course code and title) that directly correlates to the post-secondary institution course information. The courses on this crosswalk count toward the Academic and Technical Honors Diploma requirements, and the school's A-F accountability grade.
Crosswalks are not an exclusive list of all dual credit courses that schools may offer to their students, but rather the courses that have been approved through the Indiana Commission for Higher Education (ICHE) as Priority Dual Credit Courses.
Crosswalks will be updated periodically.