vincennes university online courses/majors
vincennes university online courses/majors
★ Not a direct admission program. Student must be approved for program admission after admitted to the University.
* All degree requirements are not offered online -OR- program may contain internship or clinical requirements that student would need to complete at a physical location.
+ All degree requirements for Indiana TSAP not offered online.
# Degree completion program. Only general education requirements offered online after student has completed major required courses.
˄ NEXT LEVEL JOBS qualifying program. Eligible Indiana residents may qualify for grant that covers tuition.
NOTE: The statements "physical presence" is referring to the following activities: Student Teaching, Internship, Externship, Clinicals, Practicum, or Field Experience. These degrees cannot be offered in states that considered the activities in red a physical presence in the state. Click here to see if your state is eligible: STATE AUTHORIZATION