
Indiana Court of Appeals will meet at VU on Feb. 22

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February 12, 2018

VINCENNES, Ind. - The Indiana Court of Appeals will hear oral arguments in the case Knox County Association for Retarded Citizens Inc. (KCARC) v. Melissa Davis on Feb. 22, 12:50 p.m. (EST), at Vincennes University’s Red Skelton Performing Arts Center. The event is open to the public.

The annual program is hosted by VU’s Legal Studies program and gives students the unique opportunity to observe oral argument proceedings and then engage with the participants to discuss the Indiana Court System.

A three-member panel of judges will hear the following case: Knox County Association for Retarded Citizens Inc. v. Melissa Davis.

In an action before the Indiana Civil Rights Commission (ICRC), Melissa Davis alleged the Knox County Association for Retarded Citizens (KCARC) discriminated against her on the basis of her disability when it terminated her employment following a medical emergency during which she lost consciousness.  An Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) found in favor of Davis, and KCARC objected to that decision.  The ICRC reviewed the ALJ's decision, affirmed it, and ordered KCARC to pay Davis $35,151.46 for lost wages.

KCARC appeals the ICRC's decision, arguing the evidence does not support the findings and the findings do not support the conclusion that Davis was disabled.  In the alternative, KCARC argues the ICRC's award of damages to Davis should be reduced because Davis failed to mitigate her damages.

The scheduled panel members are Judge Baker, Judge May, and Judge Altice.

Since its centennial in 2001, the Court has heard oral argument in venues across the state to enable Hoosiers to learn about the judicial branch. Sites typically include law schools, colleges, high schools, and county courthouses.

The Indiana Court of Appeals is the state's second-highest court and it reviews appeals from trial court decisions. A decision of the Indiana Court of Appeals is final unless reviewed by the Indiana Supreme Court on grant of further review. The majority of appeals filed in Indiana are decided by the Court of Appeals.

The 15-member Court of Appeals issues some 2,500 written opinions each year, sitting in three-judge panels.


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