
NOTICE OF MEETING - VU Board of Trustees 12/6/2017

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December 01, 2017

NOTICE OF MEETING - VU Board of Trustees
Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Vincennes University Board of Trustees
John Stachura, Chair

Vincennes University Updike Hall
1251 N. Chestnut Street
Vincennes, Indiana 47591

Finance/Revenue Committee: 9:30 a.m. (EST), Updike Hall Room 142

University Affairs Committee: 9:45 a.m., Updike Hall Room 142

Regular Session: 10:30 a.m., Updike Hall Room 142

Call to Order

Swearing in of New Trustees

Roll Call/Acceptance of Agenda

Report from Personnel & Nominating Committee/Election of Board Officers

Approval of Minutes

Chair’s Remarks

Report of Trustee Subcommittees:

     *  Finance/Revenue Committee

     *  University Affairs Committee

Reports from the Administrative Leadership:

     *  Marketing/Enrollment Report

     *  New Police Officers

     *  Resolution of Appreciation

President’s Comments



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