AVAILABLE FUNDS AS OF October 1st, 2024: $4000
These are guidelines that should govern the distribution of funds, not hard and fast
rules. PSC can make exceptions as needed.
- Funding has to be limited to “general fund” employees.
- Funding should be capped at $1,000 per person per fiscal year (FY).
- Applications will be accepted and reviewed monthly, or until all funds for the FY
have been allocated. Distribution will be on a first-come, first-served basis.
- Members who have received prior disbursements in the FY will have a lower priority
for additional funding than someone who has not received funds in that FY.
- Employees should be allowed to apply multiple times per year until they reach the
$1,000 cap. Once funding award levels have been reached, the employee is no longer
eligible for funding.
- If unobligated funds remain available at the end of the fiscal year, personnel that
received funding earlier in the year may reapply during this limited FY closeout window.
- Eligibility for professional development funds should first go to professional staff
members with demonstrated dedication to Vincennes University. As such, to be eligible
for PSDF, an employee must have worked for Vincennes University a minimum of one year
prior to applying. The member’s supervisor should also support the member’s request
for funding.