Aanyah Wright | EC - Ft Wayne Northside | Tutor (PG- 4-80, 25-3000) | aanyah.wright [at] vinu.edu |
Aaron Bruck | Chemistry | Professor | abruck [at] vinu.edu |
Aaron Moss | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | aaron.moss [at] vinu.edu |
Aaron Sims | English | Associate Professor | asims [at] vinu.edu |
Aaron Torrance | PPlant - Building Service | Maintenance Associate | atorrance [at] vinu.edu |
Abigail Heidenreich | Geoscience & Agricultural | Adjunct Faculty | abigail.heidenreich [at] vinu.edu |
Abigail Setser | Distance Education | Adjunct Faculty | asetser [at] vinu.edu |
Adam Acton | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Adam Bezy | Advanced Manufacturing | Assistant Professor | abezy [at] vinu.edu |
Adam Daugherty | Security | Director - Campus Police | adaugherty [at] vinu.edu |
Adam Foglesong | Trio Programs | Program Advisor/Mentor | |
Adam Gaha | Military Educ Indiana | Adjunct Faculty | agaha [at] vinu.edu |
Adam Gilliam | EC - Lawrenceburg | Learning Coach | agilliam [at] vinu.edu |
Adam McKinley | Distance Education | Coordinator Online Learning Qlty/Com | amckinley [at] vinu.edu |
Adam Moore | Distance Education | | amoore [at] vinu.edu |
Adam Phillips | Military Education | Adjunct Faculty | |
Adam Reinhart | WVUT Television | Producer/Director | areinhart [at] vinu.edu |
Adam Siewers | PPlant - Plumbing | Lead Plumber | amsiewers [at] vinu.edu |
Adrian Cantu | Southern Business & Industry | Adjunct Faculty | |
Agustin Gutierrez | Enrollment Mgt | Web Designer/Programmer | agustin.gutierrez [at] vinu.edu |
Aimee Cummings | Bookstore Operations | Manager-Marketing/Merchandise | acummings [at] vinu.edu |
Aiqin Fang | Chemistry | Associate Professor | afang [at] vinu.edu |
Alan Keller | Jasper Career Programs | Adjunct Faculty | alan.keller [at] vinu.edu |
Alex Ice | Security | Police Officer | alex.ice [at] vinu.edu |
Alexander Huff | Central Business & Industry | Instructor | |
Alexander Mlsna | Jasper NC-Statewide Hlthcare Train | Adjunct Faculty | |
Alexander Sievers | Military Educ Indiana | Director of Military and Veteran Support Services | asievers [at] vinu.edu |
Alexandria McCrary | Career Center | Secretary I | alexandria.mccrary [at] vinu.edu |
Alexis Rocha | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Ali Benamar | Biology | Assistant Professor | Abenamar [at] vinu.edu |
Ali Benamar | Biology | Assistant Professor | Abenamar [at] vinu.edu |
Alisha Smeltzer-Patton | Generations | Options Counselor | asmeltzer-patton [at] vinu.edu |
Alison Cook | Distance Education | Secretary II | alison.cook [at] vinu.edu |
Alison Lindauer | Jasper Nursing | Sim Lab and Clinical Coordinator | alison.lindauer [at] vinu.edu |
Allen Clark | President's Office | Merit Badge Counselor | |
Allison Davis | Social Science/Performing Arts Div | Secretary II | adavis [at] vinu.edu |
Allison Moorman | Jasper Humanities Programs | | allison.moorman [at] vinu.edu |
Allison Tempel | Jasper Study Skills | Director - Jasper Learning Cen | atempel [at] vinu.edu |
Allyson Bowers | WVUT Television | Education & Community Engagement Coordinator | allyson.bowers [at] vinu.edu |
Alma Kramer | Generations | Program Assistant - Hlthy Age | akramer [at] vinu.edu |
Alpha Adams | General Institutional | | |
Alyssa Keipper | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Amalia Haga | Workforce Development - Region 7 | O. D. C. Non Student | amalia.haga [at] vinu.edu |
Amanda Berberich | Admissions | Admissions Counselor | amanda.berberich [at] vinu.edu |
Amanda DeBaillie | EC - Ft Wayne Northside | Adjunct Faculty | |
Amanda Dunlap | PPlant - Building Service | Custodial Maintenance Associate | amanda.dunlap [at] vinu.edu |
Amanda Filbert | Jasper NC-Statewide Hlthcare Train | Adjunct Faculty | |
Amanda Haag | Mathematics | Professor | ahaag [at] vinu.edu |
Amanda Jerrell | A D Nursing | Assistant Professor | amanda.jerrell [at] vinu.edu |
Amanda Letlow | Military Education | Adjunct Faculty | |
Amanda Linn | Art | Adjunct Faculty | amanda.linn [at] vinu.edu |
Amber Huffman | Workforce Development - Region 7 | JAG Specialist | amber.huffman [at] vinu.edu |
Amber Strain | Military Education | Adjunct Faculty | astrain [at] vinu.edu |
Amber Wagner | EC - East Allen | Adjunct Faculty | amber.wagner [at] vinu.edu |
Amy Bunte | University Primary Care Center | Nurse | amy.bunte [at] vinu.edu |
Amy Coots | Registrar | Assistant Registrar | acoots [at] vinu.edu |
Amy Emerson | CTC - Area 31 | Learning Coach | amy.emerson [at] vinu.edu |
Amy Grubbs | EC - Administration | | |
Amy Jones | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | amy.jones [at] vinu.edu |
Amy McNeece | Library | Clerk Typist II | amcneece [at] vinu.edu |
Amy Norton | WVUT Television | Graphic Design & Content Specialist | amy.norton [at] vinu.edu |
Amy Ott | Grants | Grant Project Manager | amy.ott [at] vinu.edu |
Amy Savka | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Amy Scott | Generations | Case Mgr Coordinator | ascott [at] vinu.edu |
Amy Stutzman | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Amy Tolliver | Student Success Center | Coordinator - Student Success | amy.tolliver [at] vinu.edu |
Amy VanMatre | Gibson Center General Education | Clerk | amy.vanmatre [at] vinu.edu |
Andrea Higginson | Adult Basic Education | Intake Coordinator | andrea.higginson [at] vinu.edu |
Andrea Poletto | Workforce Development - Region 7 | JAG Specialist | andrea.poletto [at] vinu.edu |
Andrea Smith | Trio Programs | Field Counselor/Mentor | |
Andrea Youngs | Distance Education | Adjunct Faculty | andrea.youngs [at] vinu.edu |
Andrew Corless | Biology | Professor | acorless [at] vinu.edu |
Andrew Corless | Biology | Professor | acorless [at] vinu.edu |
Andrew Hinz | Management & Accounting | Adjunct Faculty | ahinz [at] vinu.edu |
Andrew Marine | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Andrew Morrison | WVUB Radio | Broadcast IT Technician/Engineer | amorrison [at] vinu.edu |
Andrew Nelson | English | Assistant Professor | andrew.nelson [at] vinu.edu |
Andrew Smith | Geoscience & Agricultural | Assistant Professor | asmith [at] vinu.edu |
Andrew Templeton | Information Technology (IT) | Media Technician | atempleton [at] vinu.edu |
Andrew Young | Architectural Services & Facilities | Director - Architectural Serv | ayoung [at] vinu.edu |
Angela Baldwin | President's Office | Merit Badge Counselor | angela.baldwin [at] vinu.edu |
Angela Dougherty | Grants | Director of Grants Management | angela.dougherty [at] vinu.edu |
Angela Hahn | Law Enforcement | Adjunct Faculty | angela.hahn [at] vinu.edu |
Angela Hamilton | Trio Programs | Secretary I | angela.hamilton [at] vinu.edu |
Angela Higginbotham | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Angela Mayfield | Distance Education | Adjunct Faculty | amayfield [at] vinu.edu |
Angela Schmidt | EC - Lawrenceburg | | aschmidt [at] vinu.edu |
Angela Trahan | Distance Education | Adjunct Faculty | angela.trahan [at] vinu.edu |
Angela Watson | CTC - Elkhart | Assistant Dean - Elkhart Career Center | awatson [at] vinu.edu |
Angela Worland | Accounting Office | Director - Accounting | aworland [at] vinu.edu |
Angie Keusch | Adult Basic Education | Online Proctor | angie.keusch [at] vinu.edu |
Ann Hefner | Communication | Associate Professor | ahefner [at] vinu.edu |
Ann Herman | Education - Associate | Professor | aherman [at] vinu.edu |
Ann Mantuano | Trio Programs | Secretary I | amantuano [at] vinu.edu |
Ann Oeding | Jasper Non Credit | Clerk Typist II | aoeding [at] vinu.edu |
Anna Barile | EC - East Allen | Tutor | |
Anna Bowens | Architectural Studies | Instructor | anna.bowens [at] vinu.edu |
Anna Reamer | A D Nursing | Assistant Professor | anna.reamer [at] vinu.edu |
Anne Horrall | Upward Bound | Office Manager | ahorrall [at] vinu.edu |
Annette Applegate | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Anthony Cummins | Mathematics | Assistant Professor | acummins [at] vinu.edu |
Anthony Gonczarow | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Anthony Hahn | Vice President of Govt Relations | Vice President of Government/Legal Affairs | thahn [at] vinu.edu |
Anthony Hines | EC - East Allen | Adjunct Faculty | |
Anthony Stoll | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Anthony Timis | Military Education | Adjunct Faculty | anthony.timis [at] vinu.edu |
Anthony Webb | Southern Business & Industry | Trainer - Mining Programs | |
April Hennig | Enrollment Mgt | Latino Community Recruiter/Strategist | april.hennig [at] vinu.edu |
April Kaiser | Distance Education | | akaiser [at] vinu.edu |
April Underhill | Jasper Campus Division Office | Student Services Asst. | april.underhill [at] vinu.edu |
Archie Sauerheber | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | archie.sauerheber [at] vinu.edu |
Ariana Gentzler | Volleyball--Women | Asst. Coach - Volleyball | ariana.gentzler [at] vinu.edu |
Armmer Clowers | EC - East Allen | Tutor | |
Ashley Abel | Practical Nursing | Assistant Professor | ashley.abel [at] vinu.edu |
Ashley Hedden | Upward Bound | Field Counselor | |
Ashley Scott | Adult Basic Education | Instructor | |
Ashley Swartzentruber | Generations | Case Manager | ashley.swartzentruber [at] vinu.edu |
Atalie Schroering | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Audra Adams | Mailroom Services | Designer/Prepress | audra.adams [at] vinu.edu |
Audrey Broussard | Student Success Center | 21st Century Scholar Support Specialist | audrey.broussard [at] vinu.edu |
Audrey Case | Jasper Science Programs | Assistant Professor | audrey.case [at] vinu.edu |
Audrey Kocher | Product Design/Production Processes | Instructor | audrey.kocher [at] vinu.edu |
Austin Edwards | Jasper Study Skills | Professional Tutor | |
Austin Nicole | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Austin Welp | Jasper Foundation | Assistant Director of Special Projects/VUJ Advancement | austin.welp [at] vinu.edu |
Austin Wheeler | Indianapolis Flight Program | Instructor - Hourly | austin.wheeler [at] vinu.edu |
Avetta Kramer | Student Success Center | Clerk Typist | janine.kramer [at] vinu.edu |
Barbara Brocksmith | Financial Aid Office | Part Time Permanent | bbrocksmith [at] vinu.edu |
Barbra Nichols | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | barbra.nichols [at] vinu.edu |
Beatrice Pfaff | American Sign Language | | beatrice.pfaff [at] vinu.edu |
Beatriz Carter | Military Education | Senior Site Director | beatriz.carter [at] vinu.edu |
Beatriz Cobo-Becerra | Adult Basic Education | ABE/ESL Instructor | |
Benjamin Brown | Aviation Tech Center | Aviation Maintenance Recruiter | benjamin.brown [at] vinu.edu |
Benjamin Caple | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Benjamin Klimek | EC - East Allen | Club Leader | |
Benjamin Modlin | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Benjamin Murray-Oates | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Benjamin Scott | Physical Therapy | Assistant Professor | bscott [at] vinu.edu |
Bernard Stento | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Bernetta Morris | Vigo Hall | Desk Clerk I | bmorris [at] vinu.edu |
Beth Howard | Surgical Technology | Clinical Instructor | bhoward [at] vinu.edu |
Beth True | Adult Basic Education | Teacher - Part Time Hourly | |
Beth-Ann Spurlin Myers | Workforce Development - Region 7 | Wk Dev Specialist | bspurlin-myers [at] vinu.edu |
Bethany Ballard | Adult Basic Education | Teacher - Part Time Hourly | |
Bettie Bedan | EC - Center Grove | Tutor - Hourly | |
Betty Powell | Workforce Development - Region 7 | | |
Beverly Adams | Project Excel | Summ Sch Ft Tch - Overload | |
Beverly Burch | English | Professor | bburch [at] vinu.edu |
Bichara Destine | Adult Basic Education | PG 12-80, 43-0000 | bichara.destine [at] vinu.edu |
Billy Butler | Auto Mechanics | Instructor | bbutler [at] vinu.edu |
Blaire Gilomen | Architectural Services & Facilities | Environmental Compliance & Safety Services Coordinator | blaire.gilomen [at] vinu.edu |
Blake Myers | Advanced Manufacturing | Instructor | blake.myers [at] vinu.edu |
Bob Hall | PPlant - Building Service | Lead Custodian | bob.hall [at] vinu.edu |
Bonita Klein | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Bonnie Conner | American Sign Language | Assistant Professor/ Department Chair | bconner [at] vinu.edu |
Bonnie Harroll | Generations | Site Mgr | |
Bradley Gilbert | Southern Business & Industry | Trainer | |
Bradley Lutes | Law Enforcement | | blutes [at] vinu.edu |
Bradley McCarter | Machine Trades | Technician I | bmccarter [at] vinu.edu |
Bradley Wolfe | Residential Services Operations | Director - Residential Life | bradley.wolfe [at] vinu.edu |
Brandee Reed | Security | Communications Specialist-Day | breed [at] vinu.edu |
Branden Jessie | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Brandon Pfoff | Education - Associate | | brandon.pfoff [at] vinu.edu |
Brandon Woodley | Jasper NC-Statewide Hlthcare Train | Adjunct Faculty | brandon.woodley [at] vinu.edu |
Brandy Dickson | Workforce Development - Region 7 | JAG Specialist | bdickson [at] vinu.edu |
Breeanna McKinnon | Procurement & Risk Mgt | Associate Buyer | bmckinnon [at] vinu.edu |
Brenda Gogel | Jasper Non Credit | Non-Credit Teaching - Jasper | |
Brenda Hancock | Generations | Community Resource Specialist | bhancock [at] vinu.edu |
Brent Maguire | Homeland Security and Public Safety | Assistant Professor | brent.maguire [at] vinu.edu |
Brent Stocksdale | CTC - McKenzie Ctr Indianapolis | Assistant Dean - McKenzie Cr Center | bstocksdale [at] vinu.edu |
Bret Collignon | Jasper Non Credit | Non-Credit Teaching - Jasper | |
Brett McCandless | Southern Business & Industry | Amazon MRA Manager | bmccandless [at] vinu.edu |
Brett Williamson | Enrollment Mgt | Web Designer | brett.williamson [at] vinu.edu |
Brian Anderson | Distance Education | Adjunct Faculty | brian.anderson [at] vinu.edu |
Brian Davis | Basketball--Men | Assistant Coach - Men's Basketball | bdavis [at] vinu.edu |
Brian French | PPlant - Grounds | Driver II | |
Brian Guth | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Brian Hibbs | Military Education | Adjunct Faculty | bhibbs [at] vinu.edu |
Brian Johnson | Military Educ Indiana | Adjunct Faculty | |
Brian Mikesell | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Brian Nash | PPlant - Carpentry | Carpenter | brian.nash [at] vinu.edu |
Brian Plummer | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Brian Rawlins | Workforce Development - Region 8 | Fiscal Director | brawlins [at] vinu.edu |
Brian Royer | Law Enforcement | Adjunct Faculty | broyer [at] vinu.edu |
Brian Sawyers | Southern Business & Industry | Instructor/Site Director | brian.sawyers [at] vinu.edu |
Brian Shots | PPlant - HVAC | Mechanic Supervisor | bshots [at] vinu.edu |
Brian Siewers | Vanderburgh Hall | Maintenance Associate | brian.siewers [at] vinu.edu |
Brian Stewart | Product Design/Production Processes | | brian.stewart [at] vinu.edu |
Brian Tearman | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Brian Trapp | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Brian Turpen | Information Technology | Adjunct Faculty | brian.turpen [at] vinu.edu |
Brianna Bump | Jasper Social Science Programs | Adjunct Faculty | brianna.bump [at] vinu.edu |
Brianna McSpadden | Career Center | Career Specialist | brianna.mcspadden [at] vinu.edu |
Brianne Winston | Enrollment Mgt | Summer Assessor | |
Bridget Owenby | PPlant - Building Service | Maintenance Associate | bridget.owenby [at] vinu.edu |
Brieanna Nash-Englert | Health Care Services Admin - B.S. | Adjunct Faculty | brieanna.nash-englert [at] vinu.edu |
Britney Johnson | Counseling Center | Secretary II | britney.johnson [at] vinu.edu |
Brittany Frederick | Distance Education | Adjunct Faculty | bfrederick [at] vinu.edu |
Brittnay Gonzalez | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Brittny Downing | Homeland Security and Public Safety | | bdowning [at] vinu.edu |
Brooklyn Johnson | Workforce Development - Region 8 | O. D. C. Non Student | |
Bruce McClure | Distance Education | Adjunct Faculty | bmcclure [at] vinu.edu |
Bryan Feller | Southern Business & Industry | Adjunct Faculty | |
Bryan Norman | Adult Basic Education | IET Instructor | bnorman [at] vinu.edu |
Bryce Coleman | Information Technology (IT) | PC Tech | bryce.coleman [at] vinu.edu |
Bryce Myers | Ebner Residential Learning Facility | Residence Hall Coordinator | bryce.myers [at] vinu.edu |
Bryce Wilz | Student Recreation Facility | Supervisor | bryce.wilz [at] vinu.edu |
Bryson Helderman | Information Technology | Adjunct Faculty | bryson.helderman [at] vinu.edu |
Caitlyn Giblin | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | caitlyn.giblin [at] vinu.edu |
Caitlyn Stoltz | Distance Education | Adjunct Faculty | caitlyn.stoltz [at] vinu.edu |
Caleb Ramsey | Information Technology (IT) | Director of IT Security | lramsey [at] vinu.edu |
Caleb Wakefield | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Callista Keeney | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Camilla Helderman | Library | Library Assistant | camilla.helderman [at] vinu.edu |
Candace Asmussen | Military Education | Academic Advisor | casmussen [at] vinu.edu |
Candace Joles | COPE | Director | cjoles [at] vinu.edu |
Candace Malone | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Candice Swain | Generations | Options Counselor | candice.swain [at] vinu.edu |
Cara King | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Caren Wild | Bursar | Student Financial Services Processor | cwild [at] vinu.edu |
Carissa Sandoval | Jasper Campus Division Office | Part Time | carissa.sandoval [at] vinu.edu |
Carleen Turner | Residential Services Operations | Secretary II | cturner [at] vinu.edu |
Carlene McCarter | PPlant - Building Service | Maintenance Repairman | carlene.mccarter [at] vinu.edu |
Carol Karnes | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Carolina Gonti | Military Education | Adjunct Faculty | |
Carson Brown | Workforce Development - Region 7 | JAG Specialist | carson.brown [at] vinu.edu |
Caryn Miller | Workforce Development - Region 8 | JAG Specialist I | caryn.miller [at] vinu.edu |
Casandra Evans | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Casey Butler | Education - Associate | | |
Casey Eskridge | EC - Ben Davis High School | Adjunct Faculty | casey.eskridge [at] vinu.edu |
Casey Uebelhor | Jasper Humanities Programs | | casey.uebelhor [at] vinu.edu |
Cassie Flock | Jasper Nursing | Associate Professor | cflock [at] vinu.edu |
Catherine Egler | Jasper Campus Student Activities | Student Activities Coordinator | cegler [at] vinu.edu |
Catherine Jones | Generations | Director - Plan/Qlty Assurance | catherine.jones [at] vinu.edu |
Catherine Wagler | Generations | Case Manager | catherine.wagler [at] vinu.edu |
Catherine Wise | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Cathy King | EC - Ben Davis High School | Adjunct Faculty | |
Cathy Strange | Trio Programs | Tutor - Hourly | cathy.strange [at] vinu.edu |
Cathy Twitty | Library | Clerk II | ctwitty [at] vinu.edu |
Celia Butler | EC - Lawrenceburg | Tutor - Hourly | celia.butler [at] vinu.edu |
Chad Berry | HPER Complex | Part Time | chad.berry [at] vinu.edu |
Chad Bobb | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Chad McClellan | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Chad Morgan | PPlant-Admin | Grounds Maintenance Supervisor | chad.morgan [at] vinu.edu |
Chanel Thompson | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Chanhee Lee | Distance Education | | clee [at] vinu.edu |
Charity Crenshaw | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Charity Rice | PPlant - Building Service | Maintenance Associate | charity.rice [at] vinu.edu |
Charla Gilbert | Library | Director - Library Services | cgilbert [at] vinu.edu |
Charlene Meeks | Information Technology (IT) | Identity and Mgmt Analyst | cmeeks [at] vinu.edu |
Charles Cunningham | Law Enforcement | Associate Professor | ctcunningham [at] vinu.edu |
Charles Johnson | President's Office | President | cjohnson [at] vinu.edu |
Charles Mansfield | Geoscience & Agricultural | Part-Time Hourly | cmansfield [at] vinu.edu |
Charles Martin | Southern Business & Industry | Ind Maintenance Training Floater Instructor | charles.martin [at] vinu.edu |
Charles Meier | PPlant - Boiler | Boiler House Technician | cmeier [at] vinu.edu |
Charles Rogers | Military Education | Adjunct Faculty | crogers [at] vinu.edu |
Charles Schingeck | Residential Services Operations | HVAC Housing | cschingeck [at] vinu.edu |
Charles Selby | Alumni | Director of Alumni Engagement | cselby [at] vinu.edu |
Charles Ward | Project Excel | | |
Charles Whitaker | Gibson Center | Manager - B&I | cwhitaker [at] vinu.edu |
Chase Rohleder | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Chelsea Caddell | Workforce Development - Region 8 | JAG Specialist | chelsea.caddell [at] vinu.edu |
Chelsea Gregory | Workforce Development - Region 8 | JAG Specialist | chelsea.gregory [at] vinu.edu |
Chelsea Gugliotta | WVUB Radio | Part Time | chelsea.gugliotta [at] vinu.edu |
Chelsea Wininger | PPlant - Building Service | Maintenance Associate | chelsea.wininger [at] vinu.edu |
Cherri Morris | Workforce Development - Region 8 | Workforce Training Assistant | cherri.morris [at] vinu.edu |
Cherri Morris | Workforce Development - Region 8 | Workforce Training Assistant | cherri.morris [at] vinu.edu |
Cheryl Anthis | Vigo Hall | Maintenance Associate | |
Cheryl Dragon | CTC - Prosser- New Albany | Site Director-EC | cheryl.dragon [at] vinu.edu |
Cheryl Litherland | Trio Programs | Assistant Director | calitherland [at] vinu.edu |
Chester Weinman | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | chester.weinman [at] vinu.edu |
Chris Sanders | Athletic Director | Part Time | |
Christian Brown | Welding | | |
Christian Burnett | Bowling Lanes | Part Time | |
Christian Burris | Workforce Development - Region 8 | JAG Specialist (PG-8-75, 21-0000) | christian.burris [at] vinu.edu |
Christian Swinford | Information Technology | Assistant Professor | cswinford [at] vinu.edu |
Christina Butler | Information Technology (IT) | IT Digital Service Analyst/Project Coordinator | cnbutler [at] vinu.edu |
Christina Lopez | EC - Ben Davis High School | Adjunct Faculty | christina.lopez [at] vinu.edu |
Christina Perkins | PPlant-Admin | Inventory Manager | cperkins [at] vinu.edu |
Christopher Anderson | Military Education | Adjunct Faculty | |
Christopher Barney | Baseball | Coach - Baseball | cbarney [at] vinu.edu |
Christopher Burcham | Information Technology (IT) | Senior Systems Administrator | cburcham [at] vinu.edu |
Christopher Faulk | English | Assistant Professor | cfaulk [at] vinu.edu |
Christopher Frazier | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Christopher Gardner | Human Resources | Benefits Coordinator | cgardner [at] vinu.edu |
Christopher Hanes | President's Office | Merit Badge Counselor | |
Christopher Hill | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Christopher Neu | Information Technology | | cneu [at] vinu.edu |
Christopher Pehowic | PPlant - Grounds | Grounds Maintenance Associate | |
Christopher Proctor | Workforce Development - Region 7 | JAG Specialist | christopher.proctor [at] vinu.edu |
Christopher Rowland | Military Education | Adjunct Faculty | christopher.rowland [at] vinu.edu |
Christopher Schneberger | Art | Assistant Professor | christopher.schneberger [at] vinu.edu |
Christy Cates | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Christy Loner | Jasper Science Programs | | christy.loner [at] vinu.edu |
Ciera Gilley | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Cierra Earley | Workforce Development - Region 7 | JAG Specialist | cierra.earley [at] vinu.edu |
Cindy Heckel | EC - Perry Meridian | Math Learning Coach | |
Cindy McHenry | PPlant - Building Service | Maintenance Associate | cindy.mchenry [at] vinu.edu |
Clarrisa Cornelius | Accounting Office | Senior Accountant | ccornelius [at] vinu.edu |
Claudia Heck | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Clay Deyoung | CTC-Grtr Laf Car Acad/Tippa Co Laf | Assistant Dean | cdeyoung [at] vinu.edu |
Clifton Krahenbill | Distance Education | Adjunct Faculty | clifton.krahenbill [at] vinu.edu |
Clint Selby | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Cody Byrer | Welding | Instructor | cody.byrer [at] vinu.edu |
Connie Coulter | Adult Basic Education | Teacher - Part Time Hourly | ccoulter [at] vinu.edu |
Connie Miller | Generations | Compliance Director | clmiller [at] vinu.edu |
Conya Wampler | Accounting Office | Associate Vice President of Fin/Controller | cwampler [at] vinu.edu |
Corey Harting | Residential Services Operations | Locksmith | corey.harting [at] vinu.edu |
Cory Hartzburg | PPlant - Building Service | Maintenance Associate | cory.hartzburg [at] vinu.edu |
Crystal Driskill | Workforce Development - Region 7 | Workforce Development Specialist | crystal.driskill [at] vinu.edu |
Crystal Graham | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | crystal.graham [at] vinu.edu |
Crystal McClure | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Crystal Venters | Workforce Development - Region 8 | Workforce Training Coordinator | crystal.venters [at] vinu.edu |
Crystal Wilson | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Crystal Winkler | Generations | Training & Quality Coordinator | cwinkler [at] vinu.edu |
Curtis Coffman | Science, Eng & Math College Office | Dean | ccoffman [at] vinu.edu |
Curtis Johnston | IPSE | | cjohnston [at] vinu.edu |
Curtis Rasico | Information Technology (IT) | Blackboard Administrator | crasico [at] vinu.edu |
Cynthia Frye | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Cynthia Glass | Library | Clerk II | cglass [at] vinu.edu |
Cynthia Ragle | Social Science/Performing Arts Div | Dean | cragle [at] vinu.edu |
Cynthia Wright | University Primary Care Center | Receptionist | cynthia.wright [at] vinu.edu |
Cytheria Artis | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
D'Lee Thomas | Project Excel | Senior Director - Dual Credit Partnerships | dthomas [at] vinu.edu |
Dale Pietrzak | Institutional Effectiveness | Senior Director Institutional Effective | dpietrzak [at] vinu.edu |
Damon Adams | Workforce Development - Region 8 | JAG Specialist | damon.adams [at] vinu.edu |
Dana Arvin | EC - Washington HS | EC Coordinator - Washington | darvin [at] vinu.edu |
Dana Bottomley | Workforce Development - Region 7 | JAG Specialist | dbottomley [at] vinu.edu |
Dana Marsh | EC - Ft Wayne Northside | College/Career Readiness Coord | dana.marsh [at] vinu.edu |
Dana Miller | Jasper Career Programs | | dana.miller [at] vinu.edu |
DanaLea Woehl | Mathematics | Professor | dwoehl [at] vinu.edu |
Dane Foley | WVUB Radio | Program Director | dfoley [at] vinu.edu |
Daniel Brown | Aviation Tech Center | Teacher - Substitute/Hrly | daniel.brown [at] vinu.edu |
Daniel Derda | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Daniel Dimmett | Project Excel | Summ Sch Ft Tch - Overload | |
Daniel Edwards | PPlant - HVAC | Air Conditioner Technician | dedwards [at] vinu.edu |
Daniel Fuller | PPlant-Admin | Director - Skilled Services | daniel.fuller [at] vinu.edu |
Daniel Higgins | Technology Division Office | Technician I - Hourly | |
Daniel Krill | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | daniel.krill [at] vinu.edu |
Daniel Phillips | Electronics | Technician I | dphillips [at] vinu.edu |
Daniel Roach | Education - Associate | | daniel.roach [at] vinu.edu |
Daniel Salinas | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | daniel.salinas [at] vinu.edu |
Daniel Sievers | University Primary Care Center | Behavioral Therapist | daniel.sievers [at] vinu.edu |
Daniel Wilcox | Indianapolis Flight Program | Instructor - Hourly | daniel.wilcox [at] vinu.edu |
Daniel Winemiller | Distance Education | Adjunct Faculty | daniel.winemiller [at] vinu.edu |
Danielle Burch | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Danielle Davis | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Danielle Slaton | Adult Basic Education | Instructor | danielle.slaton [at] vinu.edu |
Dann Norton | President's Office | Merit Badge Counselor | dann.norton [at] vinu.edu |
Danny Ralston | Distance Education | Adjunct Faculty | dralston [at] vinu.edu |
Danny Ravellette | WVUB Radio | Part Time | |
Daphne Brose | Aviation Tech Center | | daphne.brose [at] vinu.edu |
Darko Srbinoski | Distance Education | Adjunct Faculty | dsrbinoski [at] vinu.edu |
Darla Melton | Military Education | Academic Advisor-Hourly | darla.melton [at] vinu.edu |
Dartanyan Abney | Foundation | Coordinator of Events and Medi | dartanyan.abney [at] vinu.edu |
David Beaver | Workforce Development - Region 8 | Training Coordinator | david.beaver [at] vinu.edu |
David Clark | Aviation Tech Center | Teacher - Substitute/Hrly | |
David Cockerham | Philosophy | Assistant Professor | dcockerham [at] vinu.edu |
David Foster | WVUB Radio | News Director | dfoster [at] vinu.edu |
David Hankins | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
David LaCour | Security | Police Officer | david.lacour [at] vinu.edu |
David Melander | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
David Novak | WVUB Radio | Broadcast IT Technician/Engineer | dnovak [at] vinu.edu |
David Owsley | Jasper NC-Statewide Hlthcare Train | Adjunct Faculty | david.owsley [at] vinu.edu |
David Packard | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
David Remondini | Indianapolis Flight Program | Instructor - Hourly | dremondini [at] vinu.edu |
David Rose | Humanities Division Office | Secretary I | drose [at] vinu.edu |
David Sanders | Library | Supervisor - Assessment Cntr | dsanders [at] vinu.edu |
David Tucker | VP for Workforce Dev/Community Serv | Vice President Workforce Dev/Com Services | dtucker [at] vinu.edu |
David Vaughan | Military Education | Adjunct Faculty | david.vaughan [at] vinu.edu |
David Walters | Adult Basic Education | ABE Instructor | |
DaVonne Kramer | EC - East Allen | College/Career Readiness Coord | davonne.kramer [at] vinu.edu |
Dawn Crone | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Dawn Nelson | Jasper Nursing | Assistant Professor | dawn.nelson [at] vinu.edu |
Deana Hartzburg | Affirmative Action | Human Resources Recruitment Coordinator | dhartzburg [at] vinu.edu |
Deanna Kindsvatter | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Deanna Plummer | Nursing - CNA/LPN to BSN | Adjunct Faculty | deanna.plummer [at] vinu.edu |
Debora Guipe | EC - Ben Davis High School | Learning Coach | dguipe [at] vinu.edu |
Deborah Bedwell | University Primary Care Center | Clinical Director | dbedwell [at] vinu.edu |
Deborah Buchanan | Workforce Development - Region 7 | | deborah.buchanan [at] vinu.edu |
Deborah Furnish | Central Business & Industry | Warehouse Technician | dfurnish [at] vinu.edu |
Deborah Hall | Vanderburgh Hall | Custodian II | deborah.hall [at] vinu.edu |
Debra Bandy | Aviation Tech Center | Secretary II | dbandy [at] vinu.edu |
Debra Schmidtknecht | Admissions | Coordinator for Recruitment Operations | debra.schmidtknecht [at] vinu.edu |
DeEtta Welte | Performing Arts Center | Red Skelton Theatre Manager | dwelte [at] vinu.edu |
Denee Winings | Workforce Development - Region 7 | | denee.winings [at] vinu.edu |
Denise Current | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Denise Nees | Library | Library Clerk | |
Dennis Callender | Aviation Tech Center | Parts Room Manager | dcallender [at] vinu.edu |
Dennis Chattin | Athletic Director | Coach - Golf | drchattin [at] vinu.edu |
Dennis Dahlen | Jasper Humanities Programs | | ddahlen [at] vinu.edu |
Dennis Goins | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Dennis Lane | Military Education | Adjunct Faculty | dlane [at] vinu.edu |
Dennis Robbins | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | dennis.robbins [at] vinu.edu |
Derek Bethay | EC - East Allen | Club Leader | |
Derek Lueders | EC - East Allen | | |
Destiny Bathe | Health Occupations Division Office | SIM and Clinical Coordinator | destiny.bathe [at] vinu.edu |
Devin Glass | Central Business & Industry | Adjunct Faculty | devin.glass [at] vinu.edu |
Devin Roth | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | devin.roth [at] vinu.edu |
Devol Tyson | CTC - Area 31 | English Tutor | devol.tyson [at] vinu.edu |
Diana Dickey | Distance Education | Adjunct Faculty | ddickey [at] vinu.edu |
Diana Lighthizer | Workforce Development - Region 7 | JAG Specialist | dlighthizer [at] vinu.edu |
Diana Marmaduke | Accounting Office | Senior Accountant | dmarmaduke [at] vinu.edu |
Diana Sutter | Library | Secretary II | diana.sutter [at] vinu.edu |
Diane Jones | American Sign Language | FT Tch Overload | diane.jones [at] vinu.edu |
Diane Lady | Distance Education | Advisor | dlady [at] vinu.edu |
Diane Personett | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Dionne Brown | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Dixie House | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Dixie Strange | COPE | Tutor | dstrange [at] vinu.edu |
Dominique Ruiz | Student Success Center | Coordinator - Student Success | dominique.ruiz [at] vinu.edu |
Donald Kent | Workforce Development - Region 8 | Director | donald.kent [at] vinu.edu |
Donald McCorkle | Southern Business & Industry | Trainer - Mining Programs | |
Donald Pieta | CTC - New Palestine | Math Learning Coach | |
Donald Showalter | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Donna Bryan | Adult Basic Education | ESL Instructor | donna.bryan [at] vinu.edu |
Donna Cooper | Workforce Development - Region 7 | Center Manager/Fiscal Agent | dcooper [at] vinu.edu |
Donna Lancaster | Bursar | Part Time | dlancaster [at] vinu.edu |
Donna Stoffel | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Donnie Shreve | Vanderburgh Hall | Maintenance Repairman | donnie.j.shreve [at] vinu.edu |
Donnie Shreve | PPlant - Carpentry | Painter | donnie.shreve [at] vinu.edu |
Dora Jones | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Douglas Clark | Ebner Residential Learning Facility | Desk Clerk | |
Douglas Freyberger | Jasper Career Programs | Adjunct Faculty | douglas.freyberger [at] vinu.edu |
Douglas Rasico | PPlant - Carpentry | Lead Carpenter | douglas.rasico [at] vinu.edu |
Douglas Wasnidge | WVUB Radio | Underwriting Account Executive | douglas.wasnidge [at] vinu.edu |
Dragan Petreski | Management & Accounting | Associate Professor | dpetreski [at] vinu.edu |
Drew Nestleroad | Security | Police Officer | drew.nestleroad [at] vinu.edu |
Dustin Kreinbrook | Trio Programs | Educational Coach - SSS | dustin.kreinbrook [at] vinu.edu |
Dustin Minks | Track & CC | | |
Dyan Burton | Residential Services Operations | Residence Hall Coordinator | dyan.burton [at] vinu.edu |
Dylan Ellerman | Information Technology (IT) | IT Specialist | dylan.ellerman [at] vinu.edu |
Earl Potter | HPER Complex | Assistant Facilities Coordinator | earl.potter [at] vinu.edu |
Ebene Burney | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Edith Fisher | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | edith.fisher [at] vinu.edu |
Edward Berberich | Information Technology (IT) | Telecommunications Manager | eberberich [at] vinu.edu |
Edward Sharkus | Learning Support Services | Professional Tutor/Lab Supervisor | esharkus [at] vinu.edu |
Egypt Miller | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Eli Carie | WVUB Radio | Promotions Coordinator/On Air Host | eli.carie [at] vinu.edu |
Elijah Knepper | Workforce Development - Region 8 | JAG Specialist (PG-6-75, 21-0000) | elijah.knepper [at] vinu.edu |
Elizabeth Artman | Workforce Development - Region 8 | JAG Specialist | elizabeth.artman [at] vinu.edu |
Elizabeth Carter | A D Nursing | Assistant Professor | ecarter [at] vinu.edu |
Elizabeth Couchenour | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Elizabeth Curtis | English | English Secretary | elizabeth.curtis [at] vinu.edu |
Elizabeth Hilt | Trio Programs | Field Counselor | |
Elizabeth Hutchinson | Student Activities | Director - Student Activities | ehutchinson [at] vinu.edu |
Elizabeth Lowe | Chemistry | Associate Professor | elowe [at] vinu.edu |
Elizabeth Lowe | Chemistry | Associate Professor | elowe [at] vinu.edu |
Elizabeth Sinning | Trio Programs | Outreach Advisor | elizabeth.sinning [at] vinu.edu |
Elizabeth Waggoner | PPlant - Grounds | Grounds Maintenance Associate | elizabeth.waggoner [at] vinu.edu |
Elizabeth Westfall | Fire Science | Adjunct Faculty | elizabeth.westfall [at] vinu.edu |
Ellen Figel | EC - Ft Wayne Northside | Adjunct Faculty | |
Ellie McClung | Enrollment Mgt | Multimedia Specialist | ellie.mcclung [at] vinu.edu |
Emily Bushnell | A D Nursing | Assistant Professor | ebushnell [at] vinu.edu |
Emily Cook | Military Education | | |
Emily Fitzpatrick | Bookstore Operations | PT Textbook Clerk | emily.fitzpatrick [at] vinu.edu |
Emily Grider | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Emily Held | Project Excel | Office Coordinator | emily.held [at] vinu.edu |
Emily Otto | Jasper Nursing | | emily.otto [at] vinu.edu |
Emily Peak | Jasper Non Credit | Non-Credit Teaching - Jasper | |
Emily Rumley | Workforce Development - Region 8 | O. D. C. Non Student | emily.rumley [at] vinu.edu |
Emily Vaught-Kueller | Adult Basic Education | Instructor | emily.vaught-kueller [at] vinu.edu |
Emily Wang | Admissions | Admissions Counselor | emily.wang [at] vinu.edu |
Emily Yetka | English | Associate Professor | eyetka [at] vinu.edu |
Emma Greene | Indianapolis Flight Program | Instructor - Hourly | emma.greene [at] vinu.edu |
Emma Stanescu | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | emma.stanescu [at] vinu.edu |
Emmett Ransom | HPER Complex | Part Time | emmett.ransom [at] vinu.edu |
Ena Bhattacharya | Distance Education | Adjunct Faculty | ebhattacharya [at] vinu.edu |
Eric Harris | Workforce Development - Region 8 | O. D. C. Non Student | |
Eric Woodfork | Information Technology (IT) | Programmer/Analyst | ewoodfork [at] vinu.edu |
Erica Evans | University Primary Care Center | Nurse - Part Time | eevans [at] vinu.edu |
Erica Hook | Technology Division Office | Internplus Assistant | ehook [at] vinu.edu |
Erica Payne | Workforce Development - Region 8 | O. D. C. Non Student | |
Erica Robinson | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Erick Donker | Aviation Tech Center | Teacher - Substitute/Hrly | erick.donker [at] vinu.edu |
Erika Andrews | Adult Basic Education | ESL Instructor | erika.andrews [at] vinu.edu |
Erin Baumgartner | EC - Ft Wayne Northside | Adjunct Faculty | |
Erin Brewer | Workforce Development - Region 8 | Operations Manager | ebrewer [at] vinu.edu |
Erin Oechsle | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Erin Tower | Jasper NC-Statewide Hlthcare Train | Adjunct Faculty | erin.tower [at] vinu.edu |
Erin VanDusen | Central Business & Industry | Adjunct Faculty | |
Erin Vaughn | Workforce Development - Region 8 | JAG Specialist (PG-8-75, 21-0000) | erin.vaughn [at] vinu.edu |
Erma Vance | Registrar | Clerk Typist II | evance [at] vinu.edu |
Erwin Mockler | Indianapolis Flight Program | Instructor - Hourly | emockler [at] vinu.edu |
Estephany Gomez-Gayton | Adult Basic Education | Instructor | |
Esther Sui Vel | EC - East Allen | Club Leader | |
Ethan Deckard | Information Technology (IT) | PC Technician | ethan.deckard [at] vinu.edu |
Ethan White | Military Education | Adjunct Faculty | ethan.white [at] vinu.edu |
Ethel Sandlin | EC - Lawrenceburg | Adjunct Faculty | ethel.sandlin [at] vinu.edu |
Evan Elrod | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Evan Gehlert | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Evan Hochstetler | Information Technology (IT) | PC Technician | evan.hochstetler [at] vinu.edu |
Evan Sievers | Distance Education | Advisor | esievers [at] vinu.edu |
F. Carie | Trio Programs | Tutor - Hourly | |
Fabian Ford | PPlant - Building Service | Maintenance Repairman | fabian.ford [at] vinu.edu |
Frank Winstead | Southern Business & Industry | Trainer - Mining Programs | |
Franziska Hussey | PPlant - Building Service | Maintenance Associate | franziska.hussey [at] vinu.edu |
Frederick Evans | Aviation Tech Center | Assistant Professor | fevans [at] vinu.edu |
Frederick Lee | Central Business & Industry | Adjunct Faculty | frederick.lee [at] vinu.edu |
Fredricka Sharkey | Military Education | Adjunct Faculty | fredricka.sharkey [at] vinu.edu |
Fung Ying Ching | Godare Hall | Maintenance Associate | fungying.ching [at] vinu.edu |
Gail Mitchell | Workforce Development - Region 8 | Business Services Manager | gmitchell [at] vinu.edu |
Gary Johns | Physics & Engineering | Associate Professor | gjohns [at] vinu.edu |
Gary Sien | Volleyball--Women | Coach - Women's Volleyball | gsien [at] vinu.edu |
Gary Stiles | Athletic Director | Part Time | |
Gary Swegan | Admissions | Special Assist to the President for Enrollment | gary.swegan [at] vinu.edu |
Gary Williams | Information Technology (IT) | Director - Enterprise Applications | jwilliams [at] vinu.edu |
Gavin Hamilton | Indianapolis Flight Program | Instructor - Hourly | gavin.hamilton [at] vinu.edu |
Gavin Pierce | Jasper CTIM | | gavin.pierce [at] vinu.edu |
Gaye Walthall | Student Success Center | Director - Student Success Cen | gwalthall [at] vinu.edu |
Gaylene Laubscher | Jasper Study Skills | Part Time | glaubscher [at] vinu.edu |
Genevieve Masri | Aviation Tech Center | Media Center Secretary | genevieve.masri [at] vinu.edu |
Geoffrey Hodgson | Funeral Service | Assistant Professor | ghodgson [at] vinu.edu |
George Potter | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Geraldine DeBruce | EC - East Allen | Grant Director | gdebruce [at] vinu.edu |
Gerard McAfee | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Gerard Wise | Learning Support Services | Lab Assistant I | gwise [at] vinu.edu |
Gillian Kendall | Military Education | Adjunct Faculty | gillian.kendall [at] vinu.edu |
Ginger Claycomb | Workforce Development - Region 7 | JAG Specialist | ginger.claycomb [at] vinu.edu |
Giselle Culpepper | EC - East Allen | Site Manager | giselle.culpepper [at] vinu.edu |
Glenn Karrmann | Military Education | Director - Western Regional | gkarrmann [at] vinu.edu |
Gordon Simmons | Vigo Hall | | gordon.simmons [at] vinu.edu |
Gordon Weber | PPlant - Building Service | Custodian II | gordon.weber [at] vinu.edu |
Gracie Lowry | Adult Basic Education | IOO Online Proctor | gracie.lowry [at] vinu.edu |
Grant Ebbert | Welding | Instructor | grant.ebbert [at] vinu.edu |
Gregory Bledsoe | PPlant - HVAC | HVAC TECHNICIAN MANAGER | gbledsoe [at] vinu.edu |
Gregory Crouch | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | gregory.crouch [at] vinu.edu |
Gregory Weiss | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Gregory Xanders | Southern Business & Industry | | gxanders [at] vinu.edu |
Gretchen Easterday | Adult Basic Education | Teacher/Instructor | geasterday [at] vinu.edu |
Gretchen Keller | Economics/History/Political Science | Professor | gkeller [at] vinu.edu |
Guillaume Jaubert | Mathematics | Associate Professor | gjaubert [at] vinu.edu |
H. Kim-Rohrer | Music | | hkim-rohrer [at] vinu.edu |
H. Morrison | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Hailey Shick | Art | | |
Halea Franklin | Workforce Development - Region 8 | JAG Specialist | halea.franklin [at] vinu.edu |
Haley Spears | Curriculum | Curriculum Specialist | hspears [at] vinu.edu |
Hannah DiGangi | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | hannah.digangi [at] vinu.edu |
Hannah Kissel | Procurement & Risk Mgt | Purchasing Coordinator | hkissel [at] vinu.edu |
Hannah Price | Adult Basic Education | Teacher/Instructor | hprice [at] vinu.edu |
Hannah Robinson | Trio Programs | Assistant Director | hannah.robinson [at] vinu.edu |
Hannah Wild | PPlant - Building Service | Office Coordinator | hwild [at] vinu.edu |
Hans Schmitz | Geoscience & Agricultural | Adjunct Faculty | hschmitz [at] vinu.edu |
Harold Banta | Machine Trades | Technician I | harold.banta [at] vinu.edu |
Haydee Perdomo | Adult Basic Education | Instructor - Part Time | |
Hayden Waggoner | HPER Complex | Part Time | hayden.waggoner [at] vinu.edu |
Heather Allen | Workforce Development - Region 8 | Workforce Training Coord I | heather.allen [at] vinu.edu |
Heather Blasingame | Admissions | Associate Director - Admissions | heather.blasingame [at] vinu.edu |
Heather French | Management & Accounting | | hfrench [at] vinu.edu |
Heather Graupmann | Science, Eng & Math College Office | Clerk Typist II | heather.graupmann [at] vinu.edu |
Heather Kirk | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | heather.kirk [at] vinu.edu |
Heather Ray | Trio Programs | Outreach Advisor | heather.ray [at] vinu.edu |
Heather Salazar | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Heather Solano | Military Education | Adjunct Faculty | heather.solano [at] vinu.edu |
Heidi Brown | EC - Center Grove | Tutor - Hourly | |
Heidi Fitzgerald | Military Education | Adjunct Faculty | hfitzgerald [at] vinu.edu |
Heidi Tasa | Global Engagement | Dean of Global Engagement | htasa [at] vinu.edu |
Helen Davis | Electronics | Instructor | helen.davis [at] vinu.edu |
Hilbert Tooley | Southern Business & Industry | Trainer - Mining Programs | |
Hildon Statler | Military Education | Adjunct Faculty | hildon.statler [at] vinu.edu |
Hillari Mason | Agribusiness | Adjunct Faculty | hillari.mason [at] vinu.edu |
Hillary Hencely | English | Assistant Professor | hillary.hencely [at] vinu.edu |
Holly Begle | Jasper Nursing | | holly.begle [at] vinu.edu |
Holly Laue | Nursing - CNA/LPN to BSN | | holly.laue [at] vinu.edu |
Holly Turner | Accounting Office | Clerk II | hturner [at] vinu.edu |
Holly Vonderheit | Jasper Social Science Programs | | holly.vonderheit [at] vinu.edu |
Howard Hawkins | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | howard.hawkins [at] vinu.edu |
Hubert Holland | Southern Business & Industry | Instructor - Industrial Maintenance Training | hholland [at] vinu.edu |
Huston Bonds | PPlant - Building Service | Maintenance Associate | huston.bonds [at] vinu.edu |
Ian Heraty | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Ibrahim Aldaouab | Physics & Engineering | Assistant Professor | ibrahim.aldaouab [at] vinu.edu |
Illyanna Coy | Theatre | Costume Lab Manager | illyanna.coy [at] vinu.edu |
Indacia Davis | EC - Ft Wayne Northside | Adjunct Faculty | indacia.davis [at] vinu.edu |
Ingrid Goodman | Bookstore Operations | Part Time | |
Ingrida Hartsfield | Basketball--Women | Interim Head Coach | ingrida.hartsfield [at] vinu.edu |
Isaac Buchanan | Learning Support Services | Tutor - Hourly | isaac.buchanan [at] vinu.edu |
Isaac Sparrow | Vice President of Govt Relations | Law Clerk | isaac.sparrow [at] vinu.edu |
Isela Flores | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Israel Reyes | Trio Programs | | israel.reyes [at] vinu.edu |
Ivana Peralta | Chemistry | Professor | iperalta [at] vinu.edu |
J. McClary | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Jace Sama | Practical Nursing | Assistant Professor | jace.sama [at] vinu.edu |
Jaci Lederman | Information Technology (IT) | Director/Chief Info Officer | jlederman [at] vinu.edu |
Jaci Lederman | Information Technology (IT) | Director/Chief Info Officer | jlederman [at] vinu.edu |
Jack Pepper | Southern Business & Industry | Trainer - Mining Programs | |
Jack Whitsett | Biology | Biology Lab Supervisor | jack.whitsett [at] vinu.edu |
Jaclyn Arbisi | PPlant - Building Service | Custodial Maintenance Associate | jaclyn.arbisi [at] vinu.edu |
Jaclyn Grogan | Gibson Center General Education | Adjunct Faculty | jgrogan [at] vinu.edu |
Jaclyn Zimmerman | Performing Arts Center | Theatre Designer/Technician Director | jzimmerman [at] vinu.edu |
Jacob Bentley | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | jacob.bentley [at] vinu.edu |
Jacob Berg | Jasper CTIM | Director - CTIM | jberg [at] vinu.edu |
Jacob MacGibbon | Military Education | Site Director | jmacgibbon [at] vinu.edu |
Jacob Robinette | Jasper CTIM | Assistant Professor | jrobinette [at] vinu.edu |
Jacob Warner | Student Recreation Facility | Part Time | |
Jacqueline Bloebaum | Registrar | Clerk Typist II - Hourly | jbloebaum [at] vinu.edu |
Jacqueline Esch | Education - Associate | | jacqueline.esch [at] vinu.edu |
Jade Wolfe | Learning Support Services | Tutor | |
Jaelyn Wagler | Workforce Development - Region 8 | JAG Specialist (PG-6-75, 21-0000) | jaelyn.wagler [at] vinu.edu |
JaiCi Pedro | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | jaici.pedro [at] vinu.edu |
James Bowers | WVUT Television | Engineer III | jbowers [at] vinu.edu |
James Edmonson | Art | Part Time | |
James Hill | Diesel | Instructor | james.hill [at] vinu.edu |
James Hurtte | Southern Business & Industry | Trainer - Mining Programs | |
James Kingsley | Student Recreation Facility | Supervisor | |
James Krouse | President's Office | Merit Badge Counselor | |
James Long | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
James Marsh | Auto Mechanics | Instructor | jmarsh [at] vinu.edu |
James Scott | Central Business & Industry | Adjunct Faculty | |
James Shackelford | Southern Business & Industry | Trainer - Mining Programs | |
James Sims | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
James Thacker | Information Technology (IT) | Systems Administrator | jlthacker [at] vinu.edu |
James Wilson | PPlant - Grounds | Grounds Associate | james.wilson [at] vinu.edu |
Jamie Cox | Library | Librarian Public Services | jcox [at] vinu.edu |
Jamie Green | Accounting Office | Clerk III | jgreen [at] vinu.edu |
Jamie Gribbins | Adult Basic Education | ABE Initiative Director | jgribbins [at] vinu.edu |
Jamie Kocher | University Primary Care Center | Clinic Office Manager | jkocher [at] vinu.edu |
Jamie Lang | Security | Dispatcher | jlang [at] vinu.edu |
Jamie Markle | Library | Clerk II | jmarkle [at] vinu.edu |
Jamie Singleton | English | Professor | jsingleton [at] vinu.edu |
Jana Barker | EC - Ben Davis High School | EC Coordinator | jbarker [at] vinu.edu |
Jana Botsford | PPlant - Building Service | Maintenance Associate Inventory Control | jbotsford [at] vinu.edu |
Jana Vieck | A D Nursing | Professor | jvieck [at] vinu.edu |
Jana Yochum | Generations | Options Counselor | jana.yochum [at] vinu.edu |
Jane Dudenhoeffer | Central Business & Industry | Instructor | jane.dudenhoeffer [at] vinu.edu |
Janelle Nisly | Adult Basic Education | ABE/HSE/ELL Instructor | janelle.nisly [at] vinu.edu |
Janet Meyer | Nursing - B.S. | Adjunct Faculty | jmeyer [at] vinu.edu |
Janet Reed | Workforce Development - Region 7 | JAG Specialist | janet.reed [at] vinu.edu |
Janet Thomas | Health Information Management | Professor | jthomas [at] vinu.edu |
Janet Wagner | Vanderburgh Hall | Desk Clerk I | jwagner [at] vinu.edu |
Janice Strange | Social Science/Performing Arts Div | Lab Assistant I | jstrange [at] vinu.edu |
Janice Tunis | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Jannatul Ferdush | Geoscience & Agricultural | Assistant Professor | jannatul.ferdush [at] vinu.edu |
Jannet Clem | PPlant - Building Service | Maintenance Associate | jannet.clem [at] vinu.edu |
Jared Mackey | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Jaret Roach | Advanced Manufacturing | Instructor | jaret.roach [at] vinu.edu |
Jarrod Hokey | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Jason Bagwell | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Jason Beadles | Information Technology (IT) | Help Desk Coordinator | jason.beadles [at] vinu.edu |
Jason Brumback | EC - Ben Davis High School | Adjunct Faculty | jason.brumback [at] vinu.edu |
Jason Marceaux | Security | Lieutenant | jmarceaux [at] vinu.edu |
Jason Mendenhall | PPlant - Carpentry | Carpenter | jason.mendenhall [at] vinu.edu |
Jason Musteen | Military Education | | |
Jason Napier | Indianapolis Flight Program | Chief Flight Instructor | janapier [at] vinu.edu |
Jason Wiggins | Military Education | Adjunct Faculty | jason.wiggins [at] vinu.edu |
Jay Hillyard | Advanced Manufacturing | Instructor | jay.hillyard [at] vinu.edu |
Jay Michael | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Jay Schimmel | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Jayme Bellman | Workforce Development - Region 8 | JAG Specialist II | jbellman [at] vinu.edu |
Jayna Carie | Procurement & Risk Mgt | Fixed Asset Facilitator | jcarie [at] vinu.edu |
Jeffery Hawk | Distance Education | Adjunct Faculty | |
Jeffery Kubaszyk | Distance Education | Adjunct Faculty | jeffery.kubaszyk [at] vinu.edu |
Jeffery Lacy | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Jeffery Moolenaar | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Jeffrey Beck | Gibson Center General Education | Security Officer - GCAT | jbeck [at] vinu.edu |
Jeffrey Castellanos | Distance Education | Adjunct Faculty | jcastellanos [at] vinu.edu |
Jeffrey Dobson | Military Education | Site Director | Jdobson [at] vinu.edu |
Jeffrey Green | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | jeffrey.green [at] vinu.edu |
Jeffrey Hands | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Jeffrey Holt | EC - East Allen | Tutor/Learn Coach/Club Leader | jholt [at] vinu.edu |
Jeffrey Hume | Hospitality | Assistant Professor | jhume [at] vinu.edu |
Jeffrey Land | PPlant - Carpentry | Locksmith | jland [at] vinu.edu |
Jeffrey Petry | Jasper Campus Maintenance | Maintenance Repairman | jpetry [at] vinu.edu |
Jeffrey Ruxer | Jasper CTIM | Adjunct Faculty | jeffrey.ruxer [at] vinu.edu |
Jeffrey Wallace | Machine Trades | Associate Professor | swallace [at] vinu.edu |
Jeffrey Weber | Architectural Services & Facilities | CAD Operator/Designer | jeffrey.weber [at] vinu.edu |
Jenifer Zavala Cruz | EC - Ben Davis High School | Learning Coach | jenifer.zavalacruz [at] vinu.edu |
Jenna Gardner | Student Recreation Facility | Part Time | |
Jenna Jones | Jasper Social Science Programs | | jenna.jones [at] vinu.edu |
Jenna Short | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Jennifer Ahmed | Military Education | Adjunct Faculty | jahmed [at] vinu.edu |
Jennifer Andrews | Counseling Center | Director - Counsel Ctr | jandrews [at] vinu.edu |
Jennifer Blanton | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | jennifer.blanton [at] vinu.edu |
Jennifer Bozek | Central Business & Industry | Director of Apprenticeships | jbozek [at] vinu.edu |
Jennifer Bryant | Library | Library Clerk | |
Jennifer Compton | Provost's Office | Administrative Assistant | jcompton [at] vinu.edu |
Jennifer Golenia | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Jennifer Hacker | Jasper NC-Statewide Hlthcare Train | Instructor / Manager | jennifer.hacker [at] vinu.edu |
Jennifer Hargus | Counseling Center | PT Remote Counselor | jhargus [at] vinu.edu |
Jennifer Hensley | Sociology & Social Work | Professor | jhensley [at] vinu.edu |
Jennifer Holscher | Institutional Research | Director-Institution Research | jholscher [at] vinu.edu |
Jennifer Hooten | Health Occupations Division Office | Admission/Recruitment Coordinator | jhooten [at] vinu.edu |
Jennifer Hottel | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Jennifer Hughes | CTC - Heartland Career Ctr | Assistant Dean of Heartland/Wabash | jhughes [at] vinu.edu |
Jennifer Kotter | Upward Bound | Director | jkotter [at] vinu.edu |
Jennifer Kutcka | American Sign Language | | jennifer.kutcka [at] vinu.edu |
Jennifer Lett | Workforce Development - Region 7 | Wk Dev Specialist | jennifer.lett [at] vinu.edu |
Jennifer McNeece | Journalism | Asst Prof | jennifer.mcneece [at] vinu.edu |
Jennifer Meadows | Generations | Client Services Manager | jmeadows [at] vinu.edu |
Jennifer Pacheco | Management & Accounting | Associate Professor | jpacheco [at] vinu.edu |
Jennifer Parker | PPlant - Building Service | Custodian II | jennifer.parker [at] vinu.edu |
Jennifer Peterson Schultz | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Jennifer Sermersheim | Jasper Campus Division Office | Clerk Typist II | jennifer.sermersheim [at] vinu.edu |
Jennifer Stafford | Learning Support Services | Director - LSS | jstafford [at] vinu.edu |
Jennifer Steffy | Agribusiness | Assistant Professor | jennifer.steffy [at] vinu.edu |
Jennifer Townsend-Camden | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Jennifer Underhill | Central Business & Industry | Financial Specialist | junderhill [at] vinu.edu |
Jennifer Williams | Homeland Security and Public Safety | | jennifer.williams [at] vinu.edu |
Jennifer Woodruff | Generations | Case Manager | jennifer.woodruff [at] vinu.edu |
Jeramy Smith | Diesel | Instructor | jeramy.smith [at] vinu.edu |
Jereme Rainwater | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Jeremy Asmussen | Military Education | Adjunct Faculty | jasmussen [at] vinu.edu |
Jeremy Bouchard | Military Education | Adjunct Faculty | |
Jeremy Dexter | Military Education | Adjunct Faculty | jeremy.dexter [at] vinu.edu |
Jeremy Ross | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Jeremy Wild | Architectural Services & Facilities | Senior Project Leader | jwild [at] vinu.edu |
Jerod Welton | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Jerry Ruble | Southern Business & Industry | Director - ABB Robotics Trng | jruble [at] vinu.edu |
Jesse Ramsey | Adult Basic Education | ESL Instructor | jesse.ramsey [at] vinu.edu |
Jessica Brothers | Vice President of Govt Relations | Administrative Assistant | jbrothers [at] vinu.edu |
Jessica Castillo | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Jessica Devine | A D Nursing | | jessica.devine [at] vinu.edu |
Jessica Fessel | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | jfessel [at] vinu.edu |
Jessica Hess | Surveying | Assistant Professor | jhess [at] vinu.edu |
Jessica McQueen | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Jessica Parker | Financial Aid Office | Director Student Fin Services | jlparker [at] vinu.edu |
Jessica Pfau | Jasper Humanities Programs | Adjunct Faculty | jessica.pfau [at] vinu.edu |
Jessica Smith | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Jessica Vellucci | Military Education | Adjunct Faculty | jessica.vellucci [at] vinu.edu |
Jessica Walter | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Jessica Zellers | Sociology & Social Work | Professor | jzellers [at] vinu.edu |
Jessie Hecht | Family/Consumer Science | Associate Professor | jessie.hecht [at] vinu.edu |
Jill Ballinger | WVUT Television | Operations/Production Manager | jballinger [at] vinu.edu |
Jill Chrispell | Nursing - B.S. | Professor | jchrispell [at] vinu.edu |
Jill Ferguson | Workforce Development - Region 8 | JAG Specialist I | jill.ferguson [at] vinu.edu |
Jillian Kiefer | Pharmacy Tech | Assistant Professor | jkiefer [at] vinu.edu |
Jillian Schroering | Jasper Nursing | | jillian.schroering [at] vinu.edu |
Jo Bootz | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Jo Burton | Workforce Development - Region 8 | Fiscal Manager | jburton [at] vinu.edu |
Joan Keller | Education - Associate | | joan.keller [at] vinu.edu |
Joan Puckett | Humanities Division Office | Dean | jpuckett [at] vinu.edu |
Joan Wright | EC - East Allen | Club Leader | |
Joanna Schmidt | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Joby Johnson | Southern Business & Industry | Trainer - Mining Programs | |
Jodie Elkins | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Joel Freeman | Workforce Development - Region 8 | JAG Specialist | joel.freeman [at] vinu.edu |
John Camacho | Military Educ Indiana | Adjunct Faculty | |
John Clegg | Distance Education | Adjunct Faculty | john.clegg [at] vinu.edu |
John Graves | Aviation Tech Center | Instructor | jgraves [at] vinu.edu |
John Herb | Track & CC | Assistant Track & Field Coach | john.herb [at] vinu.edu |
John Holloway | PPlant - Building Service | Maintenance Associate | john.holloway [at] vinu.edu |
John Kirisits | Central Business & Industry | Instructor | john.kirisits [at] vinu.edu |
John Lee | Workforce Development - Region 7 | JAG Specialist | john.lee [at] vinu.edu |
John Lupacchino | Central Business & Industry | Adjunct Faculty | |
John McClure | Economics/History/Political Science | Adjunct Faculty | jmcclure [at] vinu.edu |
John Meeks | Athletic Director | Director of Intercollegiate Athletics | john.meeks [at] vinu.edu |
John Perry | Southern Business & Industry | Director of Mining Program | john.perry [at] vinu.edu |
John Ramos | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
John Rudnick | Military Educ Indiana | | jrudnick [at] vinu.edu |
John Rumble | Sports Information | Sports Information Director | jrumble [at] vinu.edu |
John Snider | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
John Stone | Grants | CARA Technical Integrator & Instructional Designer | john.stone [at] vinu.edu |
John Sullivan | Indianapolis Flight Program | Instructor - Hourly | john.sullivan [at] vinu.edu |
John Terrell | Aviation Tech Center | Instructor (PG-16-75,25-3000) | jterrell [at] vinu.edu |
John Tewell | PPlant - Electrical | Electrician | jtewell [at] vinu.edu |
John Tooley | Jasper NC-Statewide Hlthcare Train | Interim B&I Training Manager | jtooley [at] vinu.edu |
Johnny Murdock | Residential Services Operations | HVAC Maintenance Associate | johnny.murdock [at] vinu.edu |
Jon Easter | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Jona Butler | Workforce Development - Region 8 | Workforce Training Assistant | jona.butler [at] vinu.edu |
Jonathan Heller | Project Excel | | |
Jonathan Lamb | PPlant - Electrical | Maintenance Technician - Elec Specialty | jonathan.lamb [at] vinu.edu |
Jonathan Landingin | Military Education | Adjunct Faculty | jonathan.landingin [at] vinu.edu |
Jonathan Leonard | Education - B.S. | Associate Professor | jleonard [at] vinu.edu |
Jonathan Shellenberger | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Jonathan Vennard | Machine Trades | Assistant Professor | jvennard [at] vinu.edu |
Jonathon DuBois | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Jonathon McKinney | Indianapolis Flight Program | Assistant Professor | jmckinney [at] vinu.edu |
Jordan Cherry | JAG Program | JAG Program Manager | jordan.cherry [at] vinu.edu |
Jordan Glaza | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | jordan.glaza [at] vinu.edu |
Jordyn Volmerding | Admissions | Associate Director - Dual Credit Coordinator | jordyn.volmerding [at] vinu.edu |
Jose de Jesus Serrano | Military Education | Adjunct Faculty | josedejesus.serrano [at] vinu.edu |
Jose Gonzalez | Jasper Campus Maintenance | Custodian | jose.gonzalez [at] vinu.edu |
Jose Martinez | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Joseph Arredondo | EC - Administration | Site Director - CTC/Porter Co. | joseph.arredondo [at] vinu.edu |
Joseph Clearwater | Central Business & Industry | CDL Instructor | jclearwater [at] vinu.edu |
Joseph Cornelius | EC - Ben Davis High School | Adjunct Faculty | joseph.cornelius [at] vinu.edu |
Joseph Finocchiaro | Distance Education | Adjunct Faculty | jfinocchiaro [at] vinu.edu |
Joseph Jones | Music | | joseph.jones [at] vinu.edu |
Joseph Joniec | Distance Education | Adjunct Faculty | jjoniec [at] vinu.edu |
Joseph Lute | Education - Associate | Education Coordinator | joseph.lute [at] vinu.edu |
Joseph Reid | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Joseph Venderley | EC - East Allen | Tutor/Learn Coach/Club Leader | |
Joshua Brett | Southern Business & Industry | Instructor | joshua.brett [at] vinu.edu |
Joshua Green | Clark Hall | Police Officer | jlgreen [at] vinu.edu |
Joshua Harvoth | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Joshua Schloesser | PPlant - HVAC | | joshua.schloesser [at] vinu.edu |
Joshua Schulz | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Joshua Shank | EC - East Allen | Graduate Fellow | |
Jubin Chen | Physics & Engineering | Associate Professor | jchen [at] vinu.edu |
Judith Anderson | CTC - Southeastern Versailles | Site Director - SE Career Cntr | janderson [at] vinu.edu |
Judith Clodfelter | EC - Perry Meridian | English Learning Coach | |
Judith Moore | Registrar | Clerk Typist II - Hourly | jmoore [at] vinu.edu |
Judith Williams | Bookstore Operations | Part Time | |
Julia Beasley | EC - Ben Davis High School | Tutor - Hourly | |
Julia Risley | PPlant - Building Service | Maintenance Associate | julia.risley [at] vinu.edu |
Julie Clark | President's Office | Assistant to the President | jclark [at] vinu.edu |
Julie Sievers | WVUT Television | Program & Promotional Director | jsievers [at] vinu.edu |
Junior Rice | Security | Police Officer | junior.rice [at] vinu.edu |
Juno Farnsworth | Jasper Science Programs | Assistant Professor | jfarnsworth [at] vinu.edu |
Justice Carmichael | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Justin Barger | Workforce Development - Region 8 | JAG Specialist | justin.barger [at] vinu.edu |
Justin Clark | Library | Library Clerk | justin.clark [at] vinu.edu |
Justin French | Southern Business & Industry | Trainer | |
Justin Gardner | PPlant - HVAC | HVAC Technician | justin.gardner [at] vinu.edu |
Justin Lentz | Jasper NC-Statewide Hlthcare Train | Adjunct Faculty | justin.lentz [at] vinu.edu |
Justin Lewis | Geoscience & Agricultural | Adjunct Faculty | justin.lewis [at] vinu.edu |
Justin Schrader | President's Office | Merit Badge Counselor | |
Justin Wissing | Distance Education | Adjunct Faculty | |
Kacie Speth | PPlant-Admin | Secretary II | kacie.speth [at] vinu.edu |
Kadin Gerig | EC - East Allen | Club Leader | |
Kaitlin Strange | Jasper Social Science Programs | Adjunct Faculty | kaitlin.strange [at] vinu.edu |
Kaitlyn Lunsford | Student Activities | Assistant Director of Student, Parent & Family Services | kaitlyn.lunsford [at] vinu.edu |
Kaleb Warner | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Kaleigh White | Practical Nursing | | kaleigh.white [at] vinu.edu |
Kaleigh Yochum | PPlant - Building Service | Maintenance Associate | kaleigh.yochum [at] vinu.edu |
Kara Decker | EC - Perry Meridian | Site Coordinator - Part Time | kara.decker [at] vinu.edu |
Kara Street | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Karen Braselton | Communication | Professor | kbraselton [at] vinu.edu |
Karen Faulkner | Bookstore Operations | Director - VU Bookstores | kfaulkner [at] vinu.edu |
Karen Gillie | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Karen Livers | Bookstore Operations | Part Time | |
Karen Merriott | Military Education | Site Director | Kmerriott [at] vinu.edu |
Karen O'Connor | Pharmacy Tech | | karen.o'connor [at] vinu.edu |
Karen Query | Art | | kquery [at] vinu.edu |
Karen Ratcliffe | PPlant - Building Service | Maintenance Associate | |
Karen White-Goyzueta | EC - Ft Wayne Northside | Adjunct Faculty | karen.whitegoyzueta [at] vinu.edu |
Karisa Bauer | EC - Vincennes Lincoln | Site Director | kbauer [at] vinu.edu |
Karl Turk | Workforce Development - Region 7 | JAG Specialist | kturk [at] vinu.edu |
Karlie Myers | Registrar | Secretary II | karlie.myers [at] vinu.edu |
Karlie Pummel | Grants | Engagement Coordinator | karlie.pummel [at] vinu.edu |
Katherine Howard | Military Education | Adjunct Faculty | khoward [at] vinu.edu |
Katherine LaPierre | Central Business & Industry | | |
Katheryn Hollander | Jasper Campus Division Office | Secretary I | khollander [at] vinu.edu |
Kathleen Barlow | Central Business & Industry | | |
Kathleen Emmons | Accounting Office | Financial Administrative Coordinator | kemmons [at] vinu.edu |
Kathleen Evans | Counseling Center | Counselor | kmevans [at] vinu.edu |
Kathleen Lay | Communication | Assistant Professor | kathleen.lay [at] vinu.edu |
Kathleen Willegal | Nursing - B.S. | | kwillegal [at] vinu.edu |
Kathryn England | Nursing - B.S. | | kengland [at] vinu.edu |
Kathryn Krug | Military Education | Adjunct Faculty | |
Kathryn Wagner | Human Resources | Human Resources Coordinator | kathryn.wagner [at] vinu.edu |
Kathy Barbush | Writing Lab | Assistant Director | kbarbush [at] vinu.edu |
Kathy Bayne | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Kathy Qualkenbush | Workforce Development - Region 8 | Workforce Training Coord I | kathy.qualkenbush [at] vinu.edu |
Katie Cook | Workforce Development - Region 8 | JAG Specialist I | kcook [at] vinu.edu |
Katie Deckard | Trio Programs | Director - Experience VU | katie.deckard [at] vinu.edu |
Katie Harless | Biology | Assistant Professor | katie.harless [at] vinu.edu |
Katie Moore | Adult Basic Education | ESL Instructor | katie.moore [at] vinu.edu |
Katie Schuck | Funeral Service | | kschuck [at] vinu.edu |
Katie Stone-Payne | Workforce Development - Region 8 | Workforce Training Coord I | kstonepayne [at] vinu.edu |
Katja Geisler | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Kayla Oldham | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Kaylee Ravellette | Mathematics | Assistant Professor | kravellette [at] vinu.edu |
Keith Carr | PPlant - Grounds | Mechanic Foreman | klcarr [at] vinu.edu |
Keith Wild | PPlant - Electrical | Electrician | kwild [at] vinu.edu |
Kellen Ratcliffe | PPlant - Building Service | Maintenance Associate | |
Kelley Bland | Adult Basic Education | Instructor | kelley.bland [at] vinu.edu |
Kelli Edmundson | Security | Secretary I | kelli.edmundson [at] vinu.edu |
Kellie Montoya | Adult Basic Education | IOO Proctor Tabe Facilitator | kellie.montoya [at] vinu.edu |
Kellie Schroering | Jasper Nursing | Assistant Professor | kschroering [at] vinu.edu |
Kelly Dellinger | A D Nursing | Assistant Professor | kdellinger [at] vinu.edu |
Kelly Gambill | Workforce Development - Region 8 | JAG Coordinator | kgambill [at] vinu.edu |
Kelly Kolehouse | Generations | Case Manager | kkolehouse [at] vinu.edu |
Kelly Smith | Military Education | Secretary I | ksmith [at] vinu.edu |
Kelsey Gresham | Military Education | Adjunct Faculty | kelsey.gresham [at] vinu.edu |
Kelsie Terrell | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | kelsie.terrell [at] vinu.edu |
Kendra Clauser | Theatre | Assistant Professor | kclauser [at] vinu.edu |
Kendra Hasenour | Jasper Campus Maintenance | Custodian I | kendra.hasenour [at] vinu.edu |
Kendra Owings | Admissions | Secretary | kendra.owings [at] vinu.edu |
Kendra Weber | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Kenlee Rumer | Information Technology (IT) | Manager of CRM Systems | krumer [at] vinu.edu |
Kenneth Manning | PPlant - Building Service | Maintenance Associate - Custodial | kenneth.manning [at] vinu.edu |
Kenneth Mennell | Financial Aid Office | Financial Aid Counselor | kenneth.mennell [at] vinu.edu |
Kenneth Rice | Vanderburgh Hall | Maintenance Associate | kenneth.rice [at] vinu.edu |
Kenneth Turner | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Keri Williams | Trio Programs | Field Counselor | |
Kerry Copeland | Central Business & Industry | Adjunct Faculty | |
Kerry Thomas | Auto Mechanics | Parts Room Manager | kthomas [at] vinu.edu |
Kevin Boyer | Jasper Science Programs | Part Time | |
Kevin Christian | Central Business & Industry | Instructor | |
Kevin Hills | Southern Business & Industry | Adjunct Faculty | khills [at] vinu.edu |
Kevin Kent | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Kevin Kier | Military Education | Adjunct Faculty | kkier [at] vinu.edu |
Kevin Kraner | EC - Ft Wayne Northside | Adjunct Faculty | |
Kevin Mowrer | EC - Center Grove | Assistant Dean CG/Dir CTE EC Implem | kmowrer [at] vinu.edu |
Kevin Priebe | Music | Assistant Professor | kevin.priebe [at] vinu.edu |
Kevin Stevens | Military Education | Adjunct Faculty | kstevens [at] vinu.edu |
Kevin Watson | WVUB Radio | General Manager - WVUB | kwatson [at] vinu.edu |
Keyanna Gehlhausen | Trio Programs | Program Advisor/Mentor | |
Kim Grismore | Aviation Tech Center | Secretary II | kgrismore [at] vinu.edu |
Kimberly Armstrong | Business Division Office | Secretary II | karmstrong [at] vinu.edu |
Kimberly Bing | Workforce Development - Region 8 | Workforce Training Coord I | kbing [at] vinu.edu |
Kimberly Drost | Distance Education | Adjunct Faculty | kimberly.drost [at] vinu.edu |
Kimberly Fields | Project Aspiree | Director - Project ASPIREE | KDFields [at] vinu.edu |
Kimberly Fourman | Generations | RSVP Director | kfourman [at] vinu.edu |
Kimberly Heldt | Financial Aid Office | Compliance Officer/Counselor | kheldt [at] vinu.edu |
Kimberly Jackson | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Kimberly Kotter | University Primary Care Center | Nurse | kimberly.kotter [at] vinu.edu |
Kimberly McCammon | University Primary Care Center | | kimberly.mccammon [at] vinu.edu |
Kimberly Rodgers-Weeks | EC - Center Grove | Coordinator - EC Center Grove | krodgers-weeks [at] vinu.edu |
Kimberly Snodgrass | Workforce Development - Region 7 | JAG Program Manager | ksnodgrass [at] vinu.edu |
Kimberly Wright | Grants | Director - CARA | kwright [at] vinu.edu |
Kimela Meeks | Institutional Research | Reporting & Data Analyst | kmeeks [at] vinu.edu |
Kimie Casale | American Sign Language | Tutor - Hourly | kimie.casale [at] vinu.edu |
Kirk Abendroth | Economics/History/Political Science | Assistant Professor | kabendroth [at] vinu.edu |
Kirk Jones | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | kirk.jones [at] vinu.edu |
Kliment Mitreski | Distance Education | Adjunct Faculty | kliment.mitreski [at] vinu.edu |
Kristal Shick | Economics/History/Political Science | Professor | kshick [at] vinu.edu |
Kristan Hall | Distance Education | Adjunct Faculty | khall [at] vinu.edu |
Kristen Childress | Workforce Development - Region 8 | JAG Specialist (PG-6-75, 21-0000) | kristen.childress [at] vinu.edu |
Kristen Phillips | Military Education | Veterans Support Services Coordinator | kphillips [at] vinu.edu |
Kristi Deetz | Foundation | Exec Director Found/Senior Director Inst Adv | kdeetz [at] vinu.edu |
Kristi Renshaw | Institutional Research | Data Research Analyst | kristi.renshaw [at] vinu.edu |
Kristi Utt | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Kristie Byrns | Southern Business & Industry | Sen Dir Corp Partnership Devel | kristie.byrns [at] vinu.edu |
Kristin Drake | Jasper Career Programs | | kristin.drake [at] vinu.edu |
Kristin Jessee-Davis | Psychology | Assistant Professor | kjessee-davis [at] vinu.edu |
Kristina Lemal | PPlant - Building Service | Maintenance Associate | kristina.lemal [at] vinu.edu |
Kristina Manion | Generations | Program Assistant | kristina.manion [at] vinu.edu |
Kristina Wright | Workforce Development - Region 7 | Director | kristina.wright [at] vinu.edu |
Kristine Swinehart | Information Technology | Assistant Professor | klocklin [at] vinu.edu |
Kristopher Foust | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | kristopher.foust [at] vinu.edu |
Kyle Becher | Information Technology (IT) | Web Developer | kbecher [at] vinu.edu |
Kyle Cooper | EC - Administration | | |
Kyle Cross | Distance Education | Adjunct Faculty | kyle.cross [at] vinu.edu |
Kyle Gregory | Project Excel | Program Coordinator - PRX | kyle.gregory [at] vinu.edu |
Kyle Stafford | Information Technology (IT) | Programmer/Analyst | kyle.stafford [at] vinu.edu |
Kyle Stephens | Machine Trades | Instructor | kstephens [at] vinu.edu |
Kymbal Pruett | PPlant - Building Service | Maintenance Associate | kymbal.pruett [at] vinu.edu |
Kyrah Buchanan | Curriculum | Secretary II | kyrah.buchanan [at] vinu.edu |
L. Walker | Central Business & Industry | Coordinator - TTDT/Indy | lwalker [at] vinu.edu |
Lacy Hawkins | Distance Education | Adjunct Faculty | |
Larry Bland | Diesel | Instructor | lbland [at] vinu.edu |
Larry Decker | Jasper Social Science Programs | Adjunct Faculty | larry.decker [at] vinu.edu |
Larry Grounds | Workforce Development - Region 8 | RESEA Specialist | larry.grounds [at] vinu.edu |
Larry Jenkins | Central Business & Industry | TTDT Trainer | |
Larry Stremming | Diesel | Instructor | lstremming [at] vinu.edu |
Larry Tennant | Southern Business & Industry | Instructor - Industrial Maintenance Training | larry.tennant [at] vinu.edu |
Larry Wilson | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Latosha Rice | PPlant - Building Service | Maintenance Associate Custodian | latosha.rice [at] vinu.edu |
Laura Bean | Military Education | Adjunct Faculty | lbean [at] vinu.edu |
Laura Bruck | Distance Education | Adjunct Faculty | laura.bruck [at] vinu.edu |
Laura Carie | Enrollment Mgt | Director - University Events | laura.carie [at] vinu.edu |
Laura Hogue | EC - East Allen | | |
Laura Holscher | Generations | Asst Vice President/Exec Dir | lholscher [at] vinu.edu |
Laura Sasaran | Military Education | | lsasaran [at] vinu.edu |
Laura Treanor | Provost's Office | Provost Vice President Inst Serv/Dean of Fac | ltreanor [at] vinu.edu |
Laura Whitcombe | CTC-Grtr Laf Car Acad/Tippa Co Laf | Adjunct Faculty | |
Lauren Kasinger | Biology | Assistant Professor | lkasinger [at] vinu.edu |
Lauren Lain | Jasper Nursing | | lauren.lain [at] vinu.edu |
Lauren Tauer | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Lawrence McGaughey | Clark Hall | Desk Clerk I | lmcgaughey [at] vinu.edu |
Leah Konerding | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Leah McDaniel | Southern Business & Industry | Secretary I | lmcdaniel [at] vinu.edu |
Leah Ramsey | Jasper Admissions | Admissions/Academic Department Assistant | leah.ramsey [at] vinu.edu |
Leann Franklin | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Leigh Eck | Education - Associate | Adjunct Faculty | leigh.eck [at] vinu.edu |
Leigh Frantz | Adult Basic Education | Part Time - Other (PG- 18-80, 43-0000) | lfrantz [at] vinu.edu |
Leigha Coleman | Adult Basic Education | WEI/IET Instructor | leigha.coleman [at] vinu.edu |
Leiwana Taylor | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Leland Shepherd | Military Education | Adjunct Faculty | leland.shepherd [at] vinu.edu |
Lenlee Haase | Jasper NC-Statewide Hlthcare Train | B&I Coordinator | lenlee.haase [at] vinu.edu |
Leonard Nelson | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Leroy Striker | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
LeRoy York | Aviation Tech Center | Adjunct Faculty | leroy.york [at] vinu.edu |
Lesa Tucker | Athletic Director | Secretary I | lltucker [at] vinu.edu |
Leslie Atkinson | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | leslie.atkinson [at] vinu.edu |
Leslie Kidwell | VUF Director of Development | Director of Development | lkidwell [at] vinu.edu |
Leslie VanHoy | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Liam Doyle | Military Education | Adjunct Faculty | liam.doyle [at] vinu.edu |
Linda Herrera | Military Education | Adjunct Faculty | lherrera [at] vinu.edu |
Linda Yochum | Generations | Office Coordinator | lyochum [at] vinu.edu |
Lindsay Featherling | Workforce Development - Region 7 | JAG Specialist | lindsay.featherling [at] vinu.edu |
Lindsay Hallead | Distance Education | | lhallead [at] vinu.edu |
Lindsay Herndon | EC - East Allen | Club Leader | |
Lindsay Kixmiller | Financial Aid Office | Associate Bursar - Collections | lkixmiller [at] vinu.edu |
Lindsay Seals | Biology | Assistant Professor | lseals [at] vinu.edu |
Lindsey Gallagher | Student Success Center | | lindsey.gallagher [at] vinu.edu |
Lindsey Oliver | Generations | Options Counselor | loliver [at] vinu.edu |
Linzie Gafner | Step Program | Tutor | |
Lisa Bochner | PPlant - Building Service | Maintenance Associate | lisa.bochner [at] vinu.edu |
Lisa Emmick | Grants | Design and Innovation Trainer | lisa.emmick [at] vinu.edu |
Lisa Firestone | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Lisa Maple | Adult Basic Education | Data Intake Advisor | lisa.maple [at] vinu.edu |
Lisa McGregor | Physical Therapy | PTA Assistant-Hourly | lisa.mcgregor [at] vinu.edu |
Lisa McGregor | Physical Therapy | PTA Assistant-Hourly | lisa.mcgregor [at] vinu.edu |
Lisa Miller | Education - Associate | Associate Professor | lmiller [at] vinu.edu |
Lisa Santore | Military Education | Adjunct Faculty | lsantore [at] vinu.edu |
Lisa Summeier | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Lizzet Luz | Admissions | Admissions Counselor | lizzet.luz [at] vinu.edu |
Logan Carnahan | Learning Support Services | Lab Assistant I | lcarnahan [at] vinu.edu |
Logan Durham | Distance Education | Clerk Typist II | logan.durham [at] vinu.edu |
Logan Heath | Print Media Services | Director - Print Media Service | lheath [at] vinu.edu |
Logan Posson | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Lois Sheer | Military Education | Adjunct Faculty | lsheer [at] vinu.edu |
Lois Vlaskamp | Generations | Site Mgr | |
Lonnie Nicholson | Jasper Study Skills | Professional Tutor | lonnie.nicholson [at] vinu.edu |
Loren Myers | Security | Assistant Chief | lmyers [at] vinu.edu |
Lori Bauer | Jasper NC-Statewide Hlthcare Train | Adjunct Faculty | |
Lori Collom | Workforce Development - Region 7 | | lcollom [at] vinu.edu |
Lori Daniel | Management & Accounting | | lori.daniel [at] vinu.edu |
Lori Dooley | Jasper NC-Statewide Hlthcare Train | Adjunct Faculty | |
Lori Pence | EC-Dual Credit Prgms & Partnerships | Associate Provost K-12 Programs | lori.pence [at] vinu.edu |
Lori Siglin | Project Excel | Office Manager-Secretary II | lori.siglin [at] vinu.edu |
Lorie Teike | EC - Administration | Secretary II | lteike [at] vinu.edu |
Lou Lindsey | Family/Consumer Science | Professor | llindsey [at] vinu.edu |
Louis Sipes | Machine Trades | Instructor | lsipes [at] vinu.edu |
Lucas Packer | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Lydia Bates | EC - East Allen | Site Manager - Prof | lydia.bates [at] vinu.edu |
Lynn Altstadt | Talent Search | Director - ETS | laltstadt [at] vinu.edu |
Lynn Frederick | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Lynn Roberson | Financial Aid Office | Coordinator | lroberson [at] vinu.edu |
Mable Zehr | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Mackenzi Payne-Crowe | Law Enforcement | Adjunct Faculty | |
Mackenzie Miller | Generations | Case Mgr I | mlmiller [at] vinu.edu |
Madalyn Hammel | Trio Programs | Tutor | madalyn.hammel [at] vinu.edu |
Madelyn Parr | Workforce Development - Region 7 | Workforce Dev Specialist | madelyn.parr [at] vinu.edu |
Madison Miller | EC - East Allen | Learning Coach | madison.miller [at] vinu.edu |
Malalai Yawar | Workforce Development - Region 8 | | malalai.yawar [at] vinu.edu |
Mandy Mahurin | Workforce Development - Region 8 | Associate Director of Policy/Compliance | mandy.mahurin [at] vinu.edu |
Mandy Osborne | Jasper Campus Division Office | Assistant Director of Admissions | mandy.osborne [at] vinu.edu |
Marci Hutchison | Project Excel | Dual Credit Program Coordinator | mhutchison [at] vinu.edu |
Marcia Carter | Reading | | |
Marcia Martinez | Enrollment Mgt | University Life Reporter/SID | mmartinez [at] vinu.edu |
Marcie Tarnowski | University Primary Care Center | Medical Assistant | mtarnowski [at] vinu.edu |
Margie Catt | Health Care Services Admin - B.S. | | margie.catt [at] vinu.edu |
Maria Coello-Biarnes | Adult Basic Education | ESL Instructor | maria.coello-biarnes [at] vinu.edu |
Maria Srnka | CTC - Area 31 | Site Director - EC Area 31 | msrnka [at] vinu.edu |
Maria Sullivan | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Marianne McDaniel | WVUT Television | WVUT-TV Senior Producer/Direct | mmcdaniel [at] vinu.edu |
Marigay Hill | Learning Support Services | Tutor | |
Marilyn Reckelhoff Dippel | Jasper Study Skills | Part Time | mdippel [at] vinu.edu |
Marisa Hoff | Workforce Development - Region 7 | Quality Assurance Manager | marisa.hoff [at] vinu.edu |
Mark Catt | Trio Programs | Tutor | mdcatt [at] vinu.edu |
Mark Crowley | Bursar | Part Time | mcrowley [at] vinu.edu |
Mark Eslinger | Southern Business & Industry | Trainer - Mining Programs | |
Mark Olesh | Project Excel | Summ Sch Ft Tch - Overload | |
Mark Pranger | EC - East Allen | Tutor | |
Mark Shields | Southern Business & Industry | Coordinator - Bus/Industry | mark.shields [at] vinu.edu |
Mark Snyder | Music | Asst Theatre Technician | mark.snyder [at] vinu.edu |
Mark Zimmerman | Dean of Students | Dean Of Students | mark.zimmerman [at] vinu.edu |
Marla Meyer | Adult Basic Education | ESL Instructor - Part Time | |
Marta Bell | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Martha Baker | Bursar | Scholarship Coordinator | mbaker [at] vinu.edu |
Martha Thomson | Distance Education | Adjunct Faculty | mthomson [at] vinu.edu |
Martin Klipsch | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Martin Qualkenbush | Athletic Director | Part Time | |
Martin Van Zant | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Mary Bezy | Bookstore Operations | Part Time | |
Mary Broding | Military Education | Adjunct Faculty | mary.broding [at] vinu.edu |
Mary Champion | Jasper Campus Division Office | Director - Student Services | mchampion [at] vinu.edu |
Mary Cross | Godare Hall | Desk Clerk I | |
Mary Fry | Registrar | Assistant Registrar - Data Analyst | cfry [at] vinu.edu |
Mary Griffith | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Mary Harris | EC - East Allen | Clerk Typist | mharris [at] vinu.edu |
Mary Rodimel | Distance Education | Adjunct Faculty | |
MaShonda Gilmore | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Matt Wells | Fire Science | | mwells [at] vinu.edu |
Matthew Birt | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Matthew Cooper | Aviation Tech Center | Aviation Maintenance Instructor | matthew.cooper [at] vinu.edu |
Matthew Edwards | Indianapolis Flight Program | Instructor - Hourly | |
Matthew Foxworthy | Project Excel | Summ Sch Ft Tch - Overload | |
Matthew Gaither | Machine Trades | Instructor | mgaither [at] vinu.edu |
Matthew Groneman | Institutional Effectiveness | Director of Assessment | mgroneman [at] vinu.edu |
Matthew Norman | English | Professor | mnorman [at] vinu.edu |
Matthew Olson | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | matthew.olson [at] vinu.edu |
Matthew Schwartz | Military Education | Assistant Vice President - Outreach/Engagement | mschwartz [at] vinu.edu |
Matthew Thimling | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | matthew.thimling [at] vinu.edu |
Mave Davis | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Maynard DePew | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | maynard.depew [at] vinu.edu |
Mayumi Lubbers | Jasper Campus Maintenance | Custodial Lead | mayumi.lubbers [at] vinu.edu |
Megan Altstadt | Adult Basic Education | Instructor | megan.altstadt [at] vinu.edu |
Megan Fackenthal | Distance Education | Adjunct Faculty | mfackenthal [at] vinu.edu |
Megan Jackson | Technology B. S. Degrees | Assistant Professor | megan.jackson [at] vinu.edu |
Megan McCullough | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Megan Roesler | A D Nursing | Assistant Professor | megan.roesler [at] vinu.edu |
Megan Wickersham | Adult Basic Education | ABE/HSE Instructor -Evansville | |
Meghan Carroll | Central Business & Industry | Clerk Typist II | meghan.carroll [at] vinu.edu |
Melanie Ellis | Horticulture | Agribusiness-Horticulture Coordinator | melanie.ellis [at] vinu.edu |
Melinda Young | Funeral Service | | melinda.young [at] vinu.edu |
Melisa Yocum | Library | Library Clerk | |
Melissa Beadles | Accounting Office | Senior Accountant | melissa.beadles [at] vinu.edu |
Melissa Belcher | Jasper Nursing | | mbelcher [at] vinu.edu |
Melissa Brothers | Surgical Technology | Assistant Professor | melissa.brothers [at] vinu.edu |
Melissa Easton | Workforce Development - Region 8 | RESEA Training Coordinator | melissa.easton [at] vinu.edu |
Melissa Gillenwater | Workforce Development - Region 8 | JAG Specialist I | melissa.gillenwater [at] vinu.edu |
Melissa Hertsel | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Melissa Lute | Mathematics | Assistant Professor | melissa.lute [at] vinu.edu |
Melissa Overton | University Primary Care Center | Clinic Provider | moverton [at] vinu.edu |
Melissa Pohl | Public Service Division Office | Secretary I | melissa.pohl [at] vinu.edu |
Melissa Rees | CTC - McKenzie Ctr Indianapolis | Site Manager (PG-12-75, 43-0000) | melissa.rees [at] vinu.edu |
Melissa Roberts | Military Education | Clerk I | mroberts [at] vinu.edu |
Melissa Stivers | Registrar | Student Records & Transfer Credit Specialist | melissa.stivers [at] vinu.edu |
Melissa Ziegler | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Meredith Bryant | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Micah Knobel | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Micah Morgan | Nursing - B.S. | Professor | mmorgan [at] vinu.edu |
Michael Adams | Military Education | Adjunct Faculty | madams [at] vinu.edu |
Michael Brandon | Aviation Tech Center | Aviation Maintenance Instructor | michael.brandon [at] vinu.edu |
Michael Coyne | Central Business & Industry | Instructor | mcoyne [at] vinu.edu |
Michael Drysdale | Psychology | Professor | mdrysdale [at] vinu.edu |
Michael Fisher | Law Enforcement | | |
Michael Funk | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Michael Gehrich | Aviation Tech Center | Director - Aviation Tech Cntr | mgehrich [at] vinu.edu |
Michael Hall | Athletic Director | Part Time | |
Michael Ingram | Military Education | Adjunct Faculty | mingram [at] vinu.edu |
Michael Jarboe | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Michael McClure | Financial Aid Office | Counselor | mmcclure [at] vinu.edu |
Michael Miller | Aviation Tech Center | Teacher - Substitute/Hrly | michael.miller [at] vinu.edu |
Michael Morrison | Procurement & Risk Mgt | Director-Procurement/Risk Mgmt | mmorrison [at] vinu.edu |
Michael Osgood | Military Education | | mosgood [at] vinu.edu |
Michael Reardon | EC - Ben Davis High School | Adjunct Faculty | |
Michael Richards | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Michael Robinson | COPE | Educational Coach - SSS | mrobinson [at] vinu.edu |
Michael Rose | Bowling Lanes | Bowling Center Manager | michael.rose [at] vinu.edu |
Michael Rosemark | Aviation Tech Center | | mrosemark [at] vinu.edu |
Michael Shannon | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Michael Sievers | General Institutional | | |
Michael Taylor | HPER Complex | Director of Campus Recreation and Facilities | mtaylor [at] vinu.edu |
Michael Weber | Information Technology (IT) | Programmer/Analyst | mweber [at] vinu.edu |
Michael Wehrman | Advanced Manufacturing | Assistant Professor | mwehrman [at] vinu.edu |
Michael Wells | Bowling Lanes | Part Time | michael.wells [at] vinu.edu |
Michael Werling | President's Office | Merit Badge Counselor | |
Michael Wood | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | michael.wood [at] vinu.edu |
Michael Woods | CTC - Area 30 Greencastle | Assistant Dean | mwoods [at] vinu.edu |
Michael York | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Michelle Chambers-Fair | EC - East Allen | Club Leader | mchambers-fair [at] vinu.edu |
Michelle Cummins | Health Occupations Division Office | Dean | mcummins [at] vinu.edu |
Michelle Mackey | VP for Workforce Dev/Community Serv | Administrative Assistant | mmackey [at] vinu.edu |
Michelle Mosley | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Michelle Snyder | Registrar | Clerk Typist II | michelle.snyder [at] vinu.edu |
Miketta Kirby | Distance Education | Clerk III | miketta.kirby [at] vinu.edu |
Miranda Kennedy | PPlant - Building Service | Maintenance Associate | miranda.bateman [at] vinu.edu |
Miranda Meadows | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Mistene Halter | Nursing - CNA/LPN to BSN | Professor - 9 mo | mhalter [at] vinu.edu |
Misty Bohnert | Physical Education | Assistant Professor | mbohnert [at] vinu.edu |
Mitchell Slagle | Student Activities | Part Time | |
Mitzi Riddle | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Molly Engstrom | A D Nursing | Assistant Professor | molly.engstrom [at] vinu.edu |
Molly Sachs | Distance Education | Adjunct Faculty | molly.sachs [at] vinu.edu |
Molly Schwitz | Mathematics | Associate Professor | mschwitz [at] vinu.edu |
Monica Mendez | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Monica Scott | Jasper Study Skills | Part Time | |
Monica Tomasik | Health Occupations Division Office | Secretary II | monica.tomasik [at] vinu.edu |
Monica Walters | Workforce Development - Region 8 | Workforce Training Coord | monica.walters [at] vinu.edu |
Monique Prezzy | EC - Ben Davis High School | Adjunct Faculty | monique.prezzy [at] vinu.edu |
Monte Williams | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Morgan Meyer | Jasper Career Programs | Adjunct Faculty | morgan.meyer [at] vinu.edu |
Morgan Rush | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Morgen Benner | Central Business & Industry | Industrial Maintenance Instructor/Lebanon | mbenner [at] vinu.edu |
Myra Strange | Bursar | Student Financial Services Processor | mstrange [at] vinu.edu |
Myrna Greene | EC - Shoals | Adjunct Faculty | |
Nadine Turney | PPlant - Building Service | Maintenance Associate | nadine.turney [at] vinu.edu |
Nancy Huff | Learning Support Services | Director - Academic Skills Center | nhuff [at] vinu.edu |
Nancy Irwin | President's Office | Administrative Assistant | nirwin [at] vinu.edu |
Nancy Riggs | Mathematics | Professor | nriggs [at] vinu.edu |
Narsingh Tamvada | Jasper Career Programs | | narsingh.tamvada [at] vinu.edu |
Natalie Beatley | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Natalie White | Machine Trades | Instructor | |
Nathan Kendig | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Nathaniel Houston | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Neal Klaeser | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Nellie Jones | A D Nursing | Assistant Professor | NJones [at] vinu.edu |
Nicholas Armstrong | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Nicholas Brown | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Nicholas Henderson | PPlant - Plumbing | Plumber | nicholas.henderson [at] vinu.edu |
Nicholas Hinojosa | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | nicholas.hinojosa [at] vinu.edu |
Nicholas Miller | Clark Hall | Maintenance Repairman | nicholas.miller [at] vinu.edu |
Nicholas Servis | Jasper Science Programs | Associate Professor | nservis [at] vinu.edu |
Nicholas Villarreal | Workforce Development - Region 8 | JAG Specialist | nicholas.villarreal [at] vinu.edu |
Nicholas Winders | Workforce Development - Region 7 | JAG Specialist | nicholas.winders [at] vinu.edu |
Nicholas Young | PPlant - Building Service | Maintenance Associate | nicholas.young [at] vinu.edu |
Nichole Carie | WVUT Television | Director - WVUB-TV/WVUB-FM | ncarie [at] vinu.edu |
Nichole Decker | EC - East Allen | | |
Nickole Meier | A D Nursing | Assistant Professor | nickole.meier [at] vinu.edu |
Nicole Hagemeier-McVay | President's Office | Direct - Pre College Programs | nhagemeier-mcvay [at] vinu.edu |
Nicole Hayes | Jasper Campus Bookstore | Clerk I - Hourly | nhayes [at] vinu.edu |
Nicole Porter | Workforce Development - Region 8 | JAG Assistant Manager | nicole.porter [at] vinu.edu |
Nicole Shankle | EC - Administration | Dean - Early College Programs | nshankle [at] vinu.edu |
Nipha Salomon | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Norman Worstell | Graphic Design | | nworstell [at] vinu.edu |
Odelet Nance | EC - East Allen | Assistant Dean - East Allen EC | onance [at] vinu.edu |
Olivia Simmons | Trio Programs | Secretary - SSS/D | osimmons [at] vinu.edu |
Ondra Crockett | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Osborne Fithian | Mailroom Services | Mailroom Specialist | osborne.fithian [at] vinu.edu |
Pachia Rumble | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Paige Harding | EC - Ft Wayne Northside | Adjunct Faculty | |
Paige Miller | Generations | Nutrition & Resource Specialist | paige.miller [at] vinu.edu |
Pam Goldman | PPlant - Building Service | Maintenance Associate | pamela.goldman [at] vinu.edu |
Pamela Burton | Generations | Director - Fiscal and MIS | pburton [at] vinu.edu |
Paris Fithian | Student Recreation Facility | Supervisor | |
Patrick Blumer | Distance Education | Adjunct Faculty | patrick.blumer [at] vinu.edu |
Patrick Doss | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Patrick Jacob | Military Education | Adjunct Faculty | patrick.jacob [at] vinu.edu |
Paul Andry | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Paul Blair | Performing Arts Center | Theatre Technician | pblair [at] vinu.edu |
Paul Lemond | Bowling | Coach | paul.lemond [at] vinu.edu |
Paul Mullis | Southern Business & Industry | Non-Credit Adjunct Faculty | |
Paul Schmitt | English | Associate Professor | pschmitt [at] vinu.edu |
Paul Taylor | Information Technology (IT) | Senior Systems Analyst | ptaylor [at] vinu.edu |
Pavlina Morris | Military Education | | pmorris [at] vinu.edu |
Penny Kirk | Study Skills | Associate Professor | pakirk [at] vinu.edu |
Penny Padgett | Distance Education | FT Tch Overload | ppadgett [at] vinu.edu |
Peter Moore | Indianapolis Flight Program | Flight Instructor | pmoore [at] vinu.edu |
Peter Young | Military Education | Adjunct Faculty | peter.young [at] vinu.edu |
Peyton Jones | Southern Business & Industry | Director of Marketing/Comm | peyton.jones [at] vinu.edu |
Philip Pirkle | Mining Degree Program | | |
Phillip Butler | Jasper Campus Maintenance | Director of Maintenance | phillip.butler [at] vinu.edu |
Phillip Deckard | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Phillip Murray | ATC INFAME | Assistant Professor | phillip.murray [at] vinu.edu |
Phillip Walthall | Distance Education | | pwalthall [at] vinu.edu |
Piaoying Deng | Military Education | Adjunct Faculty | piaoying.deng [at] vinu.edu |
Piper Majors | Workforce Development - Region 8 | JAG Specialist (PG-8-75, 21-0000) | piper.majors [at] vinu.edu |
Pravin Sevak | Distance Education | Adjunct Faculty | psevak [at] vinu.edu |
Prayyer Benyatta | Student Activities | Part Time | |
Pritam Emmons | Jasper NC-Statewide Hlthcare Train | Adjunct Faculty | |
Rachael Stone | EC - Ben Davis High School | Clerk Typist II - Hourly | rachael.stone [at] vinu.edu |
Rachel Caruthers | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Rachel Crosby | Workforce Development - Region 7 | JAG Specialist | rachel.crosby [at] vinu.edu |
Rachel Jones | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Rachel Lampert | Physical Therapy | Assistant Professor | rachel.lampert [at] vinu.edu |
Rachel Lauermann | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Rachel McCullough | Jasper Campus Division Office | Secretary II | rmccullough [at] vinu.edu |
Rachelle Irvin | Southern Business & Industry | Program Coordinator - Industrial Maintenance Trng | rachelle.irvin [at] vinu.edu |
Rachelle Tritinger | Military Education | Adjunct Faculty | rachelle.tritinger [at] vinu.edu |
Rafe Emmons | Jasper NC-Statewide Hlthcare Train | Adjunct Faculty | |
Raina Cox | Central Business & Industry | TTDT Instructor | |
Ramona Blackmon | EC - East Allen | Club Leader | |
Randal Bogathy | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Randall Allen | Surveying | | randall.allen [at] vinu.edu |
Randall Tewell | PPlant - Building Service | Custodian II | randall.tewell [at] vinu.edu |
Randall Wells | Workforce Development - Region 8 | Business Services Assistant Manager | rwells [at] vinu.edu |
Randi Menke | Social Science/Performing Arts Div | Lab Assistant I | rmenke [at] vinu.edu |
Randy Adkins | Grants | Assistant Professor - 9 MO | randy.adkins [at] vinu.edu |
Randy Staley | Geoscience & Agricultural | | rstaley [at] vinu.edu |
Raul Randle | Military Education | Adjunct Faculty | raul.randle [at] vinu.edu |
Ray Masterson | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Raychel Geiser | Adult Basic Education | Instructor - Part Time | rgeiser [at] vinu.edu |
Raymond Saylor | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Raymond Screws | Military Education | Adjunct Faculty | raymond.screws [at] vinu.edu |
Rebecca Cooper | Military Education | Adjunct Faculty | rcooper [at] vinu.edu |
Rebecca Little | Registrar | Registrar | rlittle [at] vinu.edu |
Rebecca Miller | Adult Basic Education | Teacher/Instructor | |
Rebecca Oldham | Military Education | Adjunct Faculty | rebecca.oldham [at] vinu.edu |
Rebecca Roach | Experience VU | Educational Coach | rroach [at] vinu.edu |
Rebecca Simpson | Talent Search | Secretary II | rsimpson [at] vinu.edu |
Rebecca Whited | Adult Basic Education | Instructor | |
Redgina Hill | EC - X-mester | Summ Sch FT Tch - Overload | |
Reece Sorley | Vice President of Govt Relations | University Compliance/Title IX Coordinator | reece.sorley [at] vinu.edu |
Reece Stott | Southern Business & Industry | Adjunct Faculty | |
Regina McCord-Fithian | Human Resources | Human Resources Director | rmccord-fithian [at] vinu.edu |
ReOnna Smith | Distance Education | Advisor | reonna.smith [at] vinu.edu |
Rhea Speckner | Jasper NC-Statewide Hlthcare Train | Adjunct Faculty | rhea.speckner [at] vinu.edu |
Richard Birden | PPlant - Grounds | Driver II | |
Richard Harden | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Richard Kribs | Curriculum | Assistant Provost - Curriculum/Instruction | rkribs [at] vinu.edu |
Richard Rampley | Workforce Development - Region 8 | Training Coordinator Asst | rrampley [at] vinu.edu |
Richard Spencer | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Richard Welage | Construction Technology | Professor | RWelage [at] vinu.edu |
Richard Whitson | Law Enforcement | | rwhitson [at] vinu.edu |
Ridlande Clerge | Adult Basic Education | Administrative Assistant - ESL | ridlande.clerge [at] vinu.edu |
Riley Rumfelt | Jasper Career Programs | | riley.rumfelt [at] vinu.edu |
Rilyn Bawel | Jasper Nursing | | rilyn.bawel [at] vinu.edu |
Robbie Wilson | Information Technology | Adjunct Faculty | rwilson [at] vinu.edu |
Robert Awe | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Robert Baldwin | PPlant - Electrical | Electrician | rbaldwin [at] vinu.edu |
Robert Bell | Education - Associate | | robert.bell [at] vinu.edu |
Robert Brummett | Information Technology (IT) | Programmer/Analyst | rbrummett [at] vinu.edu |
Robert Doane | Conservation Law Enforcement | Assistant Professor | robert.doane [at] vinu.edu |
Robert Dunham | Security | Security Officer | |
Robert Dunning | Military Education | Adjunct Faculty | rdunning [at] vinu.edu |
Robert Evans | Economics/History/Political Science | | revans [at] vinu.edu |
Robert Franklin | Jasper Non Credit | Non-Credit Teaching - Jasper | robert.franklin [at] vinu.edu |
Robert Freese | Aviation Tech Center | Adjunct Faculty | rfreese [at] vinu.edu |
Robert Hinshaw | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Robert King | Workforce Development - Region 8 | Workforce Board Exec Director | reking [at] vinu.edu |
Robert May | PPlant - Building Service | Maintenance Associate | robert.may [at] vinu.edu |
Robert Metz | Military Education | Adjunct Faculty | rmetz [at] vinu.edu |
Robert Moreno | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Robert Peters | Indianapolis Flight Program | Instructor - Hourly | robert.peters [at] vinu.edu |
Robert Roeder | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Robert Stephens | Indianapolis Flight Program | Instructor - Hourly | robert.stephens [at] vinu.edu |
Robert Tonkel | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Robin Buley | PPlant - Building Service | Maintenance Associate | robin.buley [at] vinu.edu |
Robin Waggoner | Workforce Development - Region 8 | Workforce Training Coordinator | robin.waggoner [at] vinu.edu |
Rockie Wolfe | Southern Business & Industry | Industrial Maintenance Instructor | rswolfe [at] vinu.edu |
Rodger Jacqmain | Product Design/Production Processes | | rodger.jacqmain [at] vinu.edu |
Rodney Clarke | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Roger Kippenbrock | Jasper Campus Division Office | Business Manager | rkippenbrock [at] vinu.edu |
Roger Kiser | Collision Repair | Instructor | rdkiser [at] vinu.edu |
Roger Smith | Central Business & Industry | Adjunct Faculty | |
Ronald Drew | Jasper CTIM | Adjunct Faculty | rdrew [at] vinu.edu |
Ronald Dunn | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Ronald Hoke | EC - Administration | CTE Curriculum Specialist | rhoke [at] vinu.edu |
Ronald Jones | Military Education | Adjunct Faculty | rjones [at] vinu.edu |
Ronald Kotter | Bursar | Student Financial Services Processor | rkotter [at] vinu.edu |
Ronald Wise | Graphic Design | Associate Professor | rwise [at] vinu.edu |
Ronelle Linneweber | Trio Programs | Part Time | ronelle.linneweber [at] vinu.edu |
Ronnie Stateler | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Roscoe Baugh | Workforce Development - Region 8 | JAG Specialist I | rbaugh [at] vinu.edu |
Ross Halvorsen | Jasper Humanities Programs | Adjunct Faculty | rhalvorsen [at] vinu.edu |
Ross Martin | Education - Associate | | ross.martin [at] vinu.edu |
Rowena Jubay | Technology Division Office | Secretary II | rowena.jubay [at] vinu.edu |
Roxanne Kitzman | Technology Division Office | Secretary II | rkitzman [at] vinu.edu |
Russell Hughes | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Ruth Hunter | Bursar | Student Financial Services Processor | rhunter [at] vinu.edu |
Ruth Vandermark | Project Excel | Program Assistant | rvandermark [at] vinu.edu |
Ryan Barnes | Geoscience & Agricultural | | ryan.barnes [at] vinu.edu |
Ryan Bullerdick | Advanced Manufacturing | Instructor | rbullerdick [at] vinu.edu |
Ryan Gortney | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Ryan Lough | President's Office | Merit Badge Counselor | ryan.lough [at] vinu.edu |
Ryan Swingley | Surveying | Adjunct Faculty | |
Sabrina Duprey | Indianapolis Flight Program | Instructor - Hourly | sabrina.duprey [at] vinu.edu |
Salvatore DeMore | Aviation Tech Center | Teacher - Substitute/Hrly | sdemore [at] vinu.edu |
Samantha DeTar | EC - Perry Meridian | Site Coordinator - Part Time | samantha.detar [at] vinu.edu |
Samantha Flynn | Nursing - CNA/LPN to BSN | Overload - Adjunct Faculty | samantha.flynn [at] vinu.edu |
Samantha Hamilton | Workforce Development - Region 8 | JAG Specialist (PG-8-75, 21-0000) | samantha.hamilton [at] vinu.edu |
Samantha Riley | Jasper Admissions | Admissions Counselor | samantha.riley [at] vinu.edu |
Samuel Franklin | Basketball--Men | Coach - Men's Basketball | tfranklin [at] vinu.edu |
Samuel Nelson | Indianapolis Flight Program | Instructor - Hourly | samuel.nelson [at] vinu.edu |
Samuel Perkins | Workforce Development - Region 8 | Jag Program Manager | samuel.perkins [at] vinu.edu |
Samuel Wagoner | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Sandra Bratton | Workforce Development - Region 8 | Workforce Training Coord IV | sbratton [at] vinu.edu |
Sandra Friedman | Workforce Development - Region 8 | Deputy Director | sfriedman [at] vinu.edu |
Sandra Merry | Generations | | sandra.merry [at] vinu.edu |
Sandra Potter | Architectural Services & Facilities | Secretary II | spotter [at] vinu.edu |
Sandra Siddons | EC - Administration | Site Director (PG-12-75, 11-0000) | ssiddons [at] vinu.edu |
Sara Albright | Workforce Development - Region 7 | Wk Dev Specialist | sara.albright [at] vinu.edu |
Sara Burger | Jasper Nursing | Assistant Professor - 9 MO | sara.clark [at] vinu.edu |
Sara Gehrich | General Institutional | | |
Sara Murphy | Distance Education | | smurphy [at] vinu.edu |
Sara Young | Foundation | Foundation Accounting Analyst | syoung [at] vinu.edu |
Sarah Alderfer | Center for Teaching & Learning | Director of Center for Advancement of Faculty Excellence | salderfer [at] vinu.edu |
Sarah Avenatti | Workforce Development - Region 7 | JAG Specialist | sarah.avenatti [at] vinu.edu |
Sarah Bockhold | Generations | Case Mgr I | sbockhold [at] vinu.edu |
Sarah Curl | EC - East Allen | Tutor | |
Sarah Fortune | Enrollment Mgt | Senior Director Of External Relations | sfortune [at] vinu.edu |
Sarah Huber | Education - Associate | Adjunct Faculty | sarah.huber [at] vinu.edu |
Sarah Mayhall | Science, Eng & Math College Office | Secretary II | smayhall [at] vinu.edu |
Sarah McLin | Admissions | Director - Admissions | smclin [at] vinu.edu |
Sarah Moody | Practical Nursing | Assistant Professor | smoody [at] vinu.edu |
Sarah Steele | Disability Services | Director - Disability Services | Ssteele [at] vinu.edu |
Sarah Turney | Art | Summ Sch FT Tch - Overload | sturney [at] vinu.edu |
Sarah Wahl | EC - Ft Wayne Northside | Tutor (PG- 4-80, 25-3000) | sarah.wahl [at] vinu.edu |
Sasha Waymire | Workforce Development - Region 7 | Wk Dev Specialist | sasha.query [at] vinu.edu |
Scott Bacon | Central Business & Industry | Director - Sply Chn Logisti | sbacon [at] vinu.edu |
Scott Cooksey | Welding | Instructor | scooksey [at] vinu.edu |
Scott Mensch | Distance Education | Adjunct Faculty | scott.mensch [at] vinu.edu |
Scott Stangle | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Sean MacDermott | Indianapolis Flight Program | Asst. Chief Flight Instructor | smacdermott [at] vinu.edu |
Sean Wilkerson | Information Technology (IT) | Director - Tech/Infrastructure | swilkerson [at] vinu.edu |
Seth Mark Southerland | Indianapolis Flight Program | Instructor - Hourly | sethmark.southerland [at] vinu.edu |
Shabonne Tripp | Military Education | Clerk I | shabonne.tripp [at] vinu.edu |
Shane Chester | Indianapolis Flight Program | Flight Instructor (PG-16-75, 53-0000) | shane.chester [at] vinu.edu |
Shane Hapenny | Workforce Development - Region 7 | JAG Specialist | shane.hapenny [at] vinu.edu |
Shane Murphy | Distance Education | Adjunct Faculty | spmurphy [at] vinu.edu |
Shanni Simmons | Distance Education | Assistant Vice President - Lifelong Learning | ssimmons [at] vinu.edu |
Shannon Eichenauer | EC - East Allen | Adjunct Faculty | |
Shannon Finerty | Biology | Assistant Professor | sfinerty [at] vinu.edu |
Shannon Graber | Generations | Case Manager | shannon.graber [at] vinu.edu |
Shannon Green | Experience VU | Coach Mentor - SSS/D | sgreen [at] vinu.edu |
Shannon Hart | Adult Basic Education | Instructor | shannon.hart [at] vinu.edu |
Shannon Hudson | Legal Studies | Assistant Professor | shudson [at] vinu.edu |
Shannon Laurent | Workforce Development - Region 8 | Assoc Dir - Workone Operations | slaurent [at] vinu.edu |
Sharleen Fischer | Adult Basic Education | Intake Coordinator | sfischer [at] vinu.edu |
Sharon Charlton | EC - East Allen | Tutor | |
Sharon Hill | Jasper NC-Statewide Hlthcare Train | Adjunct Faculty | sharon.hill [at] vinu.edu |
Sharon Jackson | Music | Associate Professor | sjackson [at] vinu.edu |
Sharon Klueh | Jasper Non Credit | Non-Credit Teaching - Jasper | |
Shawna Burtis | Military Education | Adjunct Faculty | sburtis [at] vinu.edu |
Shawnee Umpleby | PPlant - Building Service | Custodian II | shawnee.umpleby [at] vinu.edu |
Shaylae Dupris | EC - Ben Davis High School | Adjunct Faculty | |
Sheila Davis | Military Education | Adjunct Faculty | sheila.davis [at] vinu.edu |
Shelby Wimmenauer | Generations | Options Counselor | shelby.wimmenauer [at] vinu.edu |
Shelley Allen | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | shelley.allen [at] vinu.edu |
Shelly Albertson | CTC - New Palestine | English Learning Coach | |
Shelly Bitner | Music | | shelly.bitner [at] vinu.edu |
Shelly Lengacher | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Shelly McCrary | Employee Wellness | Part Time | smccrary [at] vinu.edu |
Sherri Franklin | EC - East Allen | Adjunct Faculty | sherri.franklin [at] vinu.edu |
Sherry Doll | Generations | Case Assistant | sdoll [at] vinu.edu |
Shirley Ray | Student Success Center | Coordinator - Student Success | sray [at] vinu.edu |
Shirley Rogers Herrick | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Skyler Weisman | Jasper Library | Clerk II | skyler.weisman [at] vinu.edu |
Spencer Ebbinga | Art | Associate Professor | spencer.ebbinga [at] vinu.edu |
Stacey Kahre | Generations | Director of Operations | skahre [at] vinu.edu |
Stacey Poppe | Workforce Development - Region 7 | Assistant Manager | stacey.poppe [at] vinu.edu |
Stacie Phillips | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | stacie.phillips [at] vinu.edu |
Stacy Cottrell | Workforce Development - Region 7 | Wk Dev Specialist-TAA | stacy.cottrell [at] vinu.edu |
Stacy Moore-Nolan | Jasper Social Science Programs | Adjunct Faculty | smoore-nolan [at] vinu.edu |
Stacy Sexton | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Stefany Deckard | EC - Administration | Dean - CTE Early College | stefany.deckard [at] vinu.edu |
Stephanie Crockett | Jasper Non Credit | Non-Credit Teaching - Jasper | stephanie.crockett [at] vinu.edu |
Stephanie Dixon | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Stephanie Garrett | Practical Nursing | Associate Professor | sgarrett [at] vinu.edu |
Stephanie Holmes | Distance Education | Adjunct Faculty | sholmes [at] vinu.edu |
Stephanie Jefferson | Basketball--Women | Asst Women's Basketball Coach | Null |
Stephanie Nuttall | Accounting Office | Finance and Compliance Manager | stephanie.nuttall [at] vinu.edu |
Stephanie Peacock | Trio Programs | Tutor | speacock [at] vinu.edu |
Stephanie Reiser | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Stephanie Stemle | Vice President of Govt Relations | Assistant Vice President Strategic Initiatives | sstemle [at] vinu.edu |
Stephen Black | Art | Professor | sblack [at] vinu.edu |
Stephen Brothers | Mathematics | Assistant Professor | sbrothers [at] vinu.edu |
Stephen Corbin | Aviation Tech Center | Teacher - Substitute/Hrly | |
Stephen Corry | Southern Business & Industry | Instructor | stephen.corry [at] vinu.edu |
Stephen Moore | Information Technology | Adjunct Faculty | smoore [at] vinu.edu |
Stephen Murphy | Machine Trades | Technician I | |
Steve Beaman | Foundation | Associate Director Com/Donor Relations | steve.beaman [at] vinu.edu |
Steven Foley | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Steven Gregory | Languages | Associate Professor | sgregory [at] vinu.edu |
Steven P'Pool | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | steven.ppool [at] vinu.edu |
Stewart Brooking | Enrollment Mgt | Athletics Marketing Coordinator | stewart.brooking [at] vinu.edu |
Suellen Wrightsman | Workforce Development - Region 8 | RESEA Lead Coordinator | suellen.wrightsman [at] vinu.edu |
Susan Atkins | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Susan Baehl | Distance Education | | sbaehl [at] vinu.edu |
Susan Barry | Jasper Study Skills | Professional Tutor | susan.barry [at] vinu.edu |
Susan Brocksmith | Public Service Division Office | Dean | sbrocksmith [at] vinu.edu |
Susan Colavito | PPlant - Building Service | Maintenance Associate | susan.colavito [at] vinu.edu |
Susan Neal | Workforce Development - Region 8 | Exec Dir - WorkOne Operations | sneal [at] vinu.edu |
Susan Wheeler | Military Education | | swheeler [at] vinu.edu |
Susan Zenthofer | PPlant - Grounds | Driver II | |
Suzanne Fitts | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Suzanne Hawthorne | Education - Associate | | suzanne.hawthorne [at] vinu.edu |
Sydney Harris | Jasper Social Science Programs | | sydney.harris [at] vinu.edu |
Taletha Provines | Trio Programs | Outreach Advisor | tprovines [at] vinu.edu |
Tamara Condon | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Tamara Dearth | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Tamara Dominguez | American Sign Language | Secretary I | tdominguez [at] vinu.edu |
Tamara Marks | Military Education | Adjunct Faculty | tamara.marks [at] vinu.edu |
Tambi Flye McCall | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Tamera Halter | Nursing - B.S. | Associate Professor | thalter [at] vinu.edu |
Tammy Bilskie | PPlant - Building Service | Custodian II | tammy.bilskie [at] vinu.edu |
Tammy Bosecker | Accounting Office | Clerk II | tbosecker [at] vinu.edu |
Tammy Gerber | Jasper Humanities Programs | Assistant Professor | tgerber [at] vinu.edu |
Tammy Robinson | University Primary Care Center | Nurse - Part Time | tammy.robinson [at] vinu.edu |
Tammy Whitney | Military Education | Adjunct Faculty | tammy.whitney [at] vinu.edu |
Tammy Willis | Accounting Office | Payroll Supervisor | twillis [at] vinu.edu |
Tandie Cottingham | Adult Basic Education | Online Instructor | tcottingham [at] vinu.edu |
Tanja Phillips | PPlant - Building Service | Maintenance Associate | tanja.phillips [at] vinu.edu |
Taryn Schmidt-Robbins | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Tauni Daub | Enrollment Mgt | Webmaster | tauni.daub [at] vinu.edu |
Tavner Delcamp | Military Education | | |
Tayler White | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Taylor Allen | Military Education | Adjunct Faculty | taylor.allen [at] vinu.edu |
Taylor Hankins | PPlant - Grounds | Grounds Foreman | taylor.hankins [at] vinu.edu |
Taylor Hankins | PPlant - Grounds | Grounds Foreman | taylor.hankins [at] vinu.edu |
Taylor Scott | Jasper Study Skills | Student Success Coordinator | taylor.scott [at] vinu.edu |
Tayt Odom | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Ted Latoz | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Tedra Little | Talent Search | Outreach Advisor | tlittle [at] vinu.edu |
Tera Orman | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Teresa Middleton | EC - Ben Davis High School | Tutor - Hourly | |
Teresa Shields | Bursar | Student Financial Services Processor | tshields [at] vinu.edu |
Teresa Tarbuck | Chemistry | Associate Professor | ttarbuck [at] vinu.edu |
Terrah Sparks | Office of AP for Student Affairs | Secretary II | terrah.sparks [at] vinu.edu |
Terri Miley | Distance Education | Secretary I | terri.miley [at] vinu.edu |
Terri Perry | Bursar | Bursar | tperry [at] vinu.edu |
Terri Vieck | University Primary Care Center | Student Health Services Manager | tvieck [at] vinu.edu |
Terry Marsh | Southern Business & Industry | Trainer - Mining Programs | |
Terry Stoffel | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Tessa Haag | WVUT Television | Content Specialist | tessa.haag [at] vinu.edu |
Theodore Buchanan | Information Technology (IT) | Senior Systems Administrator | tbuchanan [at] vinu.edu |
Theresa Baggett | Military Education | Adjunct Faculty | theresa.baggett [at] vinu.edu |
Theresa Conley | Distance Education | Adjunct Faculty | theresa.conley [at] vinu.edu |
Theresa Purdy | Adult Basic Education | Instructor - Hourly | theresa.purdy [at] vinu.edu |
Thomas Doane | Southern Business & Industry | Trainer - Mining Programs | |
Thomas Haluska | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Thomas Redmon | Southern Business & Industry | Adjunct Faculty | |
Thomas Stanescu | Southern Business & Industry | Instructor | daniel.stanescu [at] vinu.edu |
Tiarra Basham | Library | Technical Services Coordinator | tiarra.basham [at] vinu.edu |
Tiffany Cary | Trio Programs | Field Counselor | |
Tiffany Kotulek | Registrar | Clerk Typist II | tiffany.kotulek [at] vinu.edu |
Tiffany Whitaker | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Timothy Bauer | CTC - Hoosier Hills | Assistant Dean of Instruction | tbauer [at] vinu.edu |
Timothy Bewley | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Timothy Buckner | Subaru - Technology | AIM Site Director | timothy.buckner [at] vinu.edu |
Timothy Dearlove | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Timothy Eaton | Office of VP for Financial Services | Vice President/Treasurer | teaton [at] vinu.edu |
Timothy Hedrick | Advanced Manufacturing | Instructor | thedrick [at] vinu.edu |
Timothy Hutchison | Trio Programs | Mentor | timothy.hutchison [at] vinu.edu |
Timothy Nichols | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | timothy.nichols [at] vinu.edu |
Timothy Richardson | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Timothy Rollins | Military Education | Adjunct Faculty | timothy.rollins [at] vinu.edu |
Tina Cravens | Workforce Development - Region 7 | Workforce Develop Specialist | tina.cravens [at] vinu.edu |
Tina Kent | Workforce Development - Region 7 | Assistant Director - 12 Mo | tkent [at] vinu.edu |
Tina Kunkler-Laake | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Tina Rue | Jasper Social Science Programs | | |
Tina Schmucker | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Tina Streby | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Todd Bouslog | Indianapolis Flight Program | Flight Instructor | todd.bouslog [at] vinu.edu |
Tommy Tran | EC - East Allen | Adjunct Faculty | |
Toni Eagleson | Chemistry | Lab Supervisor | teagleson [at] vinu.edu |
Tonya Brown | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Tonya McCrary | Jasper Campus Bookstore | Clerk I | tmccrary [at] vinu.edu |
Traci Ball | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Traci LeTourneau | Distance Education | Adjunct Faculty | |
Traci Stephens | Health Information Management | Assistant Professor | tnstephens [at] vinu.edu |
Traci Tritle | Workforce Development - Region 8 | Workforce Training Coordinator | traci.tritle [at] vinu.edu |
Tracy Henry | Provost's Office | Administrative Assistant | thenry [at] vinu.edu |
Tracy Lockhart | PPlant - HVAC | HVAC Technician | tlockhart [at] vinu.edu |
Tracy Morrison | Trio Programs | Field Counselor | |
Tracy Plank-Teegarden | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Tracy Uebelhor | Jasper Social Science Programs | Adjunct Faculty | tuebelhor [at] vinu.edu |
Tracy Wollerman | Mailroom Services | Mailroom Specialist | tracy.wollerman [at] vinu.edu |
Travis Gillison | Distance Education | Adjunct Faculty | tgillison [at] vinu.edu |
Travis Linneweber | Budgeting and Business Services | Budget Director | travis.linneweber [at] vinu.edu |
Travis Malone | Adult Basic Education | Teacher | tmalone [at] vinu.edu |
Trenda Stouse | Health Occupations Division Office | Clerk Typist II - Hourly | tstouse [at] vinu.edu |
Trent Romans | Welding | Welding Instructor | trent.romans [at] vinu.edu |
Trenton Lee | Career Center | Career Center Director | trenton.lee [at] vinu.edu |
Tressa Webb | Workforce Development - Region 8 | Training Coordinator | tressa.webb [at] vinu.edu |
Trevor St. Clair | Distance Education | Adjunct Faculty | trevor.st.clair [at] vinu.edu |
Trey Miller | Management & Accounting | Assistant Professor | trmiller [at] vinu.edu |
Tricia Trent | Jasper Career Programs | Assistant Professor | ttrent [at] vinu.edu |
Troy Ave | Human Performance Division Office | | |
Troy Lane | PPlant - Building Service | Custodial/Warehouse Supervisor | tlane [at] vinu.edu |
Troy Vaupel | Broadcasting Production | Adjunct Faculty | troy.vaupel [at] vinu.edu |
Trudy Grimes | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Trudy Weger | PPlant - Building Service | Custodian II | |
Tucker Vanderbunt | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Ty Freed | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | ty.freed [at] vinu.edu |
Tylee Stangle | University Primary Care Center | Nurse - Part Time | tylee.stangle [at] vinu.edu |
Tyler Bell | Indianapolis Flight Program | Instructor - Hourly | tyler.bell [at] vinu.edu |
Tyler Hindman | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Tyler McClure | Enrollment Mgt | Web Designer | |
Tyler Steigenga | Track & CC | Men Women Assistant CC/Track Coach | tyler.steigenga [at] vinu.edu |
Valeisha Goodman | Student Activities | Secretary | valeisha.goodman [at] vinu.edu |
Valerie Caudill | EC - Vincennes Lincoln | Adjunct Faculty | valerie.caudill [at] vinu.edu |
Valerie Wood | Generations | Case Mgr II | vwood [at] vinu.edu |
Valgenia McCray | Trio Programs | Field Counselor | vmccray [at] vinu.edu |
Van Albaugh | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Van Bawi Zi Nichin | CTC - McKenzie Ctr Indianapolis | Coordinator (PG- 14-80, 11-0000) | vanbawizi.nichin [at] vinu.edu |
Vanessa Purdom | Management & Accounting | | vanessa.purdom [at] vinu.edu |
Vernon Evans | Technology Division Office | Trainer - Mining Programs | |
Veronica Townes | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Vickie Houlihan | Distance Education | Adjunct Faculty | vickie.houlihan [at] vinu.edu |
Vickie Pershing | Workforce Development - Region 8 | Workforce Training Assistant | vickie.pershing [at] vinu.edu |
Vicmary Jimenez-Bene | Adult Basic Education | Teacher/Instructor | vicmary.jimenez-bene [at] vinu.edu |
Victoria McKarski | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | victoria.mckarski [at] vinu.edu |
Victoria Rickard | Bookstore Operations | Assistant Manager/Operations | vrickard [at] vinu.edu |
Vince Helming | Jasper CTIM | Assistant Professor | vhelming [at] vinu.edu |
Vincent Evans | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Virgil Franklin | Music | Associate Professor | vfranklin [at] vinu.edu |
Virginia Bradley | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Wade Baker | Music | | wade.baker [at] vinu.edu |
Wai Tat Lee | PPlant - Building Service | Custodial Maintenance Associate | waittat.lee [at] vinu.edu |
Wendi Sell | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Wendy Lawrie | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Wendy Sinclair | Registrar | Clerk Typist II | wendy.sinclair [at] vinu.edu |
Wesley Corrie | Financial Aid Office | Director - Financial Aid | wcorrie [at] vinu.edu |
Wesley Roark | Southern Business & Industry | Instructor | wesley.roark [at] vinu.edu |
Westin Fink | Indianapolis Flight Program | Instructor - Hourly | westin.fink [at] vinu.edu |
Whitney Blaque | PPlant - Building Service | Maintenance Associate | |
Whitney Daugherty | Provost's Office | Assistant Provost for Student Affairs | wdaugherty [at] vinu.edu |
William Archer | Central Business & Industry | Instructor | william.archer [at] vinu.edu |
William Barnes | Adult Basic Education | ESL Instructor | william.barnes [at] vinu.edu |
William Beaman | Mathematics | Assistant Professor | wbeaman [at] vinu.edu |
William Carnegie | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
William Gollmitzer | Distance Education | Adjunct Faculty | william.gollmitzer [at] vinu.edu |
William Gordon | Security | Police Officer | william.gordon [at] vinu.edu |
William Grimme | Southern Business & Industry | Instructor Industrial Maintenance | william.grimme [at] vinu.edu |
William Henderson | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
William Karback | Military Education | Asst Coordinator - Hourly | wkarback [at] vinu.edu |
William Kroeger | PPlant-Admin | Director - Physical Plant | wkroeger [at] vinu.edu |
William Lackey | Military Education | Adjunct Faculty | william.lackey [at] vinu.edu |
William Lindsey | Athletic Director | Part Time | |
William McCormick | Homeland Security and Public Safety | Adjunct Faculty | william.mccormick [at] vinu.edu |
William Meyer | Trio Programs | Outreach Advisor | william.meyer [at] vinu.edu |
William Petscher | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
William Quintana | Military Education | Adjunct Faculty | wquintana [at] vinu.edu |
William Smith | Track & CC | Assistant Track & Field Coach | william.smith [at] vinu.edu |
William Stenger | Hospitality | Instructor | wstenger [at] vinu.edu |
William Vance | EMS Program | | william.vance [at] vinu.edu |
William Ver Mulm | International Programs & Services | International Student Coordinator | william.vermulm [at] vinu.edu |
William Whitehair | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
William Whitmore | Southern Business & Industry | Trainer - Mining Programs | |
Won-Joon Jung | Indianapolis Flight Program | Instructor - Hourly | wonjoon.jung [at] vinu.edu |
Wyatt Held | Human Performance Division Office | Assistant Professor | wyatt.held [at] vinu.edu |
Yee Lin | EC - East Allen | Transportation/Program Asst | |
Yoshiko Cockerham | Languages | | ycockerham [at] vinu.edu |
Zachary Setser | Information Technology (IT) | Director - IT Digital Services | zachary.setser [at] vinu.edu |
Zachary Vail | Clark Hall | Desk Clerk | zvail [at] vinu.edu |
Ze Chen | Admissions | Senior Assistant Director of International Recruitment | zchen [at] vinu.edu |
Zoe Williams | Project Excel | Adjunct Faculty | |
Zoey Campbell | Bookstore Operations | Part Time | |