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Lorrie Ann Thompson

Assistant Professor

Information Technology



Lorrie Ann Thompson, MBA serves as Assistant Professor of Information Technology. Lorrie's interest in programming was an accidental surprise. Her senior year in high school, she was required to take an elective course to fill a void in her schedule. The school had just begun offering computer programming in the BASIC programming language, so she thought, "why not?". It ended up being her favorite class. She went on to earn an Associate's Degree in Computer Programming Technology, and then a Bachelors in Computer Science and later an MBA with a focus on IT. With over 25 years of experience, Lorrie's first job out of college was in a warehouse running network cable and supporting personal computer systems using the Xenix Operating system. . Her career has spanned many different areas of IT, such as network design, programming, intranet and public web design, system analysis, database administration, as well as managing staff and projects. She has used her IT skills in many areas of business, including banking, catalog distribution, healthcare, and software development.

Lorrie loves getting to know her students and making a positive impact on their lives. Her philosophy is to "never stop learning" and she firmly believes in the Vincennes University motto: "Learn in order to serve."