Chemistry Department

Chemistry Department

A scientist holding a chemical flask containing a blue liquid
  • Prepare for a rewarding science-based career as a chemist, researcher, health care professional, or teacher.
  • The number of jobs for chemists is projected to grow 6% by 2031.
  • The median annual salary for chemists and material scientists is nearly $80,000.
source: Bureau of Labor Statistics


A scientist filling a needle with a liquid

Education - Science, B.S. (Chemistry)

Students can earn a bachelor’s degree in Education Science, which prepares graduates for careers in teaching and qualifies them to apply for licensure to teach in grades 5 through 12. Students can concentrate their studies in Chemistry.


Food science majors participating in a lab

Chemical Sciences - Chemistry and Biochemistry Concentration, A.S. Transfer

Students can earn an associate degree in Biochemistry, which prepares graduates for a research career in the life sciences and provides a foundation for further studies in medicine and veterinary care.

A bowl of fruit containing strawberries and blueberries

Chemical Sciences - Food Science Concentration, A.S. Transfer

Students can earn an associate degree in Food Science, which prepares graduates for careers in food safety, environmental regulation, nutrition education, and product development. The program is designed for graduates to transfer to a four-year university to earn a bachelor’s degree.

A doctor injecting a needle into a bag

Chemical Sciences - Pre-Clinical Laboratory Concentration, A.S. Transfer

Earning an associate degree in Clinical Science will prepare graduates for entry-level positions in health care and medical sciences. The program is designed for graduates to transfer to a four-year university to earn a bachelor’s degree.

A dentist cleaning a patient's teeth

Chemical Sciences - Pre-Dental Concentration, A.S. Transfer

Students can earn an associate degree in Pre-Dentistry, preparing graduates for transfer to a four-year institution and helping to set a strong academic foundation in preparation for dental school.

An optometrist giving her patient a pair of glasses

Chemical Sciences - Pre-Optometry Concentration, A.S. Transfer

Students can earn an associate degree in Pre-Optometry, preparing graduates for transfer to a four-year institution and helping to set a strong academic foundation in preparation for optometry school.

A pharmacist talking to a customer about their medication

Chemical Sciences - Pre-Pharmacy Concentration, A.S. Transfer

Students can earn an associate degree in Pre-Pharmacy and Clinical Science, which provides graduates with foundational knowledge and skills that prepare them for entry-level positions in various health care settings. The program is designed for graduates to apply directly into Pharmacy School and to earn a Doctor of Pharmacy Degree.

A dog going in for a check-up at the vet


Students can earn an associate degree in Pre-Veterinary, preparing graduates for transfer to a four-year institution and helping to set a strong academic foundation in preparation for veterinary school.

A chemistry teacher showing her student a cup with a green liquid inside

Chemical Sciences, A.S.

Students can earn an associate degree in Chemical Sciences, which prepares graduates for careers in chemistry, biochemistry, dentistry, health sciences, food science, veterinary science, optometry, and pharmacy.

A chemist holding two flasks with chemicals inside of them

Education - Chemistry Concentration (Grades 5-12), A.S. Transfer

Students can earn an associate degree in Chemistry Education, which prepares graduates for transfer into a bachelor’s-degree education program.

Have questions?

We are happy to chat with you to answer your questions and understand your personal goals.
Please reach out to us at VUADMIT@VINU.EDU or call 812-888-4313 for more information.


Employee Portrait Employee Department Job Title Email Address
Aaron Bruck ImageAaron BruckChemistryProfessorabruck [at]
Ivana Peralta ImageIvana PeraltaChemistryProfessoriperalta [at]
Aiqin Fang ImageAiqin FangChemistryAssociate Professorafang [at]
Elizabeth Lowe ImageElizabeth LoweChemistryAssociate Professorelowe [at]
Teresa Tarbuck ImageTeresa TarbuckChemistryAssociate Professorttarbuck [at]
Toni Eagleson ImageToni EaglesonChemistryLab Supervisorteagleson [at]

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